


  • 语言:英文
  • 类型:角色扮演
  • 画面:2D
  • 厂商:Black Maple Games
  • 时间:2014-03-13 10:21


打造世界》是由Black Maple Games制作的一款角色扮演类游戏,玩家需要在游戏中搜集各种材料合成装备,以及建造矮人城堡抵抗敌人的侵袭。不过打造世界区别于其他沙盒游戏的是,它是一款横版画面的策略游戏。

Improved skeletons AI.
Modified block replacement to prevent falling of Tesla towers and other constructions.
Added golden and mithril boots, added new initial clothing for desert planets.
Added new tools – steel pickaxe and axe, wooden wizard’s staff, heavy bow, redrawn pictures of silver tools.
Added sounds for new beasts and monsters.
Balanced durability of lower ground levels, depth of minerals and pickaxes characteristics.
Reduced frequency of warning message about drowning.
Changed recipes for silver pickaxe, long bow, workshop, wizard’s staff, mithril pickaxe and axe.
Changed workbenches requirements for crafting mithril pickaxe, axe, wizard’s staff, hammer and helmet, silver armor, iron club, pickaxe and axe.
Fixed bug with recipes disappearing in sandbox game mode.
Fixed bug with different items numbers on the craft button and in the craft dialog.
Fixed opening of pages in the craft dialog while clicking on the resource in unknown recipe.
Fixed visibility of items during dragging in the 2nd and 3rd pages of the equipment dialog.

游戏厂商:Black Maple Games 显示全部

上一个 : 指挥:现代海空行动 硬盘版

下一个 : 异类 硬盘版


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