


  • 语言:英文
  • 类型:角色扮演
  • 画面:2D
  • 厂商:Pixel Ferrets
  • 时间:2014-05-04 09:47



格兰蒂亚秘闻》是由Pixel Ferrets制作的一款角色扮演类渡,游戏拥有一个简单的捏人系统以及丰富的技能/魔法系统和完善的连击系统,支持最多4人合作联机模式。


Summary: A new number! This patch basically just delivers that memory room for a teeny bit extra farming potential. The boss cards aren’t in the game yet, though, so you’ll have to settle for the drops for now!Summary: This patch consists almost entirely of bug fixes and quality of life changes to the game! Significant additions might take a while since Fred is away over the weekend to attend the RSM Expo, and I’m going to take that opportunity to work on the translation tools for the game. They are pretty near completion and it would be good to push out a beta version so people can start testing that stuff.

Added a zero to the patch note number, improving the game by several million percent
Added the Slime Hammer as a craftable item
You can now restart a memory room fight by holding Esc
The boss drops and their derivative items have had their sell value lowered by a ton
In Arcade Mode, if you get a card while enemies are still present, it will be added to a queue shown upon room clear to avoid view blocking
Robin’s target practice now has a proper GUI
The memory room now heals your party upon entering
Boss items are still boss, but don’t sell for a billion, preventing memory room OP farming strats
The placeholder laser sword sound is now much quieter, although just as scary
The Sentry’s defense has been lowered on Hard difficulty
Katarina (the stonecutter) has a new portrait
A bunch of portraits have been touched up (Harry, Mumrik, Fransisco, fighting dudes, Edward, Jonathan, Nysbruden and Luke)
Bug Fixes
Herding all the chickens for Nysbruden and then zoning without turning the quest in no longer renders it unfinishable
The target of aimable spells now appears properly when silver charged through perfect guard
The fishing exam has been reworked so players can keep fishing after their first catch, and should not get stuck
Fishing in the Pumpkin Woods should no longer cause your character to get stuck
Clients no longer remove persistent spells upon game over, properly retaining the butterfly trinket and avoiding some crashes
Amalet no longer appears in the lab after defeating GUN-D4M
Boar cards obtained over multiple arcade mode runs no longer stack (sadly, it was pretty cool!)
Memory Room Gun-D4m can now be targeted by plants, spirit slash and other spells that aquire targets
Double slot facegears now show up properly for clients upon connecting
Reworked the quest completion code by a ton in order to guarantee a character will be rewarded before the quest is flagged as completed
Herding all the chickens for Nysbruden and then zoning without turning the quest in no longer renders it unfinishableCandy’s portrait has been updated

游戏厂商:Pixel Ferrets 显示全部

上一个 : 像素海盗 v0.6.0.0

下一个 : 崛起3:泰坦之王 正式版


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