


  • 语言:英文
  • 类型:射击游戏
  • 画面:3D
  • 厂商:The Fun Pimps Entertainment
  • 时间:2014-03-20 09:44


七日杀》是由The Fun Pimps Entertainment制作的一款射击类游戏,第三次世界大战过后的近未来,那时地球表面已经变成废墟,更糟的是,没有人知道到底是因为辐射、生化武器还是天灾,导致地面上出现了一群僵尸。玩家将扮演一名在美国亚历桑纳地区的幸存者,那里是地球最后的伊甸园,玩家将为了生存而战,同时探究整个事件背后的真相。


Changed the new roaming hordes that won’t destroy player structures unless they sense the player
Changed returned to 7.0 terrain and improved the performance. The change was made for visuals, alpha 8 performance and player feedback. Note full smooth terrain will come with Alpha 8 as well as new solutions to mining and ladder placement
Changed removed bucket of water recipe that used a bottle of water, buckets of water must be obtained from lakes or rivers
Changed bucket recipe to only create 1 bucket not four
Changed toilets to drop short metal pipes when destroyed
Changed refactored internal model handling for performance
High Quality Lights is now the default after installing the game
Changed switched off shadows on point lights (all lights in the world) to increase performance
Changed with the terrain switch, this occasional problem is also fixed: Cannot expand this MemoryStream
Bug Fixes

Fixed blueberry seed recipe
Fixed a connection bug
Fixed cannot shift click from hot bar to inventory
Fixed low weight forging scrap items no longer vanish when breaking down to scrap
Fixed buff icon sometimes would cause an error when trying to get buff data
Fixed quick take stack size exploit
Fixed slider mouse offset bug
Fixed menu not showing when clicking fast on the splash screen
Fixed zombie dog death animation was missing
Fixed panel fade desync
Fixed occasional array out of bounds exceptions

游戏厂商:The Fun Pimps Entertainment 显示全部

上一个 : 模拟城市5:未来之城 中文版

下一个 : 欧洲卡车模拟2v1.9.14s 英文版


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