

作者: 佚名 2013-07-05 20:47

Follow the tutorial messages. 
Pick up the KNIFE and the SAW (A). 
Use the KNIFE at the left and collect the RUBBER BAND. Use the SAW on the branch at the top and collect the BRANCH (C).
Put the BRANCH and the RUBBER BAND in the Magic Mixer in the bottom right corner. Click the Mix button to get the SLINGSHOT (D). 
Use the SLIGNSHOT on the man through the door (E). 
Go to the next scene through the door (F).

You cannot get into the car without a key. 
Collect the PLIERS (G) and the WIRE (H) and use them in the Magic Mixer. 
You will receive the LOCK PICK. 
Use the LOCK PICK on the door (J). 
Collect the CAT FOOD and read the letter to the left (K). 
Click the back button to go back to the last scene.

Use the CAT FOOD on the cat’s dish (L). 
From behind the cat, collect the SCREWDRIVER (M). 
Use the SCREWDRIVER on the door and take the KEY from behind it (N). 
Return to the scene with the car.

Use the KEY on the car to finish the chapter.
Chapter 2

Click on the man sitting in the chair (A). 
Collect the items on the ground, the KEY, the STONE BALL and then the PALETTE circled in red. 
Go to the next scene behind the house (B).

Collect BUG SPRAY and the HAMMER. 
Open the door to the truck (C). 
Use the rock (D) on the right side of the scale to life up the left side. 
Collect the BATTERY from under the scale. 
Enter the house through the window (F).

Collect BUG SPRAY and the HAMMER. 
Open the door to the truck (C). 
Use the rock (D) on the right side of the scale to life up the left side. 
Collect the BATTERY from under the scale. 
Enter the house through the window (F).

Talk the to the woman standing in the room (G). 
Collect the BREAD circled in green. 
Use the BUG SPRAY on the bugs circled in red. 
Talk to the woman again and she will give you a compass. 
Collect the COMPASS (H). 
Talk to the woman one more time before you leave the scene. 
Click to go back.

上一篇 : 《空间二人组 ...

下一篇 : 《秘密组织2 ...

