

作者: 佚名 2013-07-06 10:07

21 You can stay as long as you like, brother.只要你喜欢,想待多久就能待多久哦,哥哥!

22 Even if he is busy, he will go to stand in line on the release date.即使再怎么忙碌,发售当天他应该还是会去排队吧。

23 Now that you are a well-established nerd, you should be careful about how you look.既然已经被大家认定为是御宅族的话,就要多花点心思在打扮上。

24 Be on a standby in uniform, so that you can go into action immediately.为了可以马上出动,请换上制服待机。

25 She is no less nerdy than her older sister.她是个不输给姊姊的御宅族。

26 It takes me no more than a few seconds to transform.变身的时候,只花了2~3秒不到的时间而已。

27 The magical potency will not last for more than 1 hour.那个魔法的效力顶多只有差不多一个小时哦。

28 He is nothing more than nerd.他只不过是个御宅族。

29 No less than 1 million people attended the Cos mic World Society.有多达100万人出席了世界宇宙研究会。

30 Not less than 100,000 but not more than 120,000 magical books are at the library in magic school.魔法学校的图书馆里面有至少10万,至多12万本的魔法书。

31 Welcome to our devildom. Come in, please.欢迎来到魔界,请进吧。

The gate to the devildom will open at 3 am in a month. Come on, I can’t wait for such a long time.下次前往魔界的大门打开的时间为一个月后的凌晨三点。咦~没办法等那么久啦。

32 At the entrance of the devildom, the dead were trying to rob me of all I had, and a button cameoff when I was struggling with them.在魔界的入口,几乎快被亡者抢走身上所有东西,连纽扣都被扯下来了。

33 She went out of the event hall.她离开了活动会场。

What is going on between the devildom and the earth now.在魔界和人间界的夹缝间,如今发生什么事呢?

34 He slipped out of the castle and went off by himself, trying to get her heart.为了得到意中人,所以他偷偷溜出城堡,想要抢先出手。

35 Her magic gives out a brilliant flash of light.她的魔法放出了耀眼的闪光。

Now I will give up chocolate to make my diet successful.为了成功减肥,所以如今禁止吃巧克力哦。

36 She took out her fa vorite costume from the drawer.她从抽屉里拿出了喜欢的衣服。

37 When the sorceress took off her coat, big wings appeared on her back.女术师脱掉外衣之后,背上出现了巨大的翅膀。

She took on the mission of exterminating the apostles.她承接了歼灭使徒的使命。

38 What a nice person she is! She took up the hea vy burden of the devildom.没想到她竟然愿意承接魔界的重担,她真是个好人啊!

The guardian of devildom takes down the detailed features of each human beings that comes up fromthe earth on his blacklist.魔界的守卫将从人间界来的人类的特征,巨细靡遗地在阎魔手册记下来。

39 All of us got in the time machine.我们所有人都坐进了时光机。She got on her magic broom.她骑上了魔法扫把。

40 They had to get out of the devildom because Demon Lord was angry.因为魔王很生气,所以他们必须离开魔界才行。

Unless you get off at the next station, you will ha ve to tra vel another light year until the next station.要是不在下一站下车的话,要再花一光年的时间才会到达下一个车站哦。(拜托光年是距离单位好吧)

41 We ha ve to bring up leaders for the next generation of devildom.我们必须培育下一代的魔界领导者才行。

He is such an enthusiastic animation fan that he may need medicine to bring down his animation fever.他是一个重度动画御宅族,或许他需要可以降低御宅族狂热的药。

42 Ha ve you put in a dried frog in the big pot yet?已经把干燥青蛙放进大锅子里面了吗?Would you mind if I put out the candle light?我可以把蜡烛给吹熄吗?

43 I quickly put up a front since I was playing girls simulation game.玩美少女游戏的我,慌慌张张地把那个场面掩盖过去。

He put down a large bow and arrow that he had on his back.他把背上背的大弓和箭放了下来。

44 This makes up the essential part of the earth exterminational operation.这是在地球歼灭计划中所不可欠缺的部分。

She is struggling to make out the faded ancient documents.她拼命地想要辨认出那快要消失的古文书文字。

45 Please shut the door to keep out the spores.请把门关上,别让孢子跑进来。Let’s keep up a code of devildom!维持魔界的规范吧!

46 I can’t tell her apart from her younger sister, because their only difference is their hair color.只有头发的颜色不同,因此我没有办法分辨出她和她妹妹。

47 I’ll always stand by you, brother.我永远都跟你站在同一边哦,哥哥!

48 She dropped in unexpectedly on me.她没有预先通知我,就跑来找我了。

49 I pointed out the bug in this game.我指出了这款游戏的Bug。

She carried out the operation of the ultimate weapon.她去执行启动最终兵器。

50 This magical stick is made of magical glass.这把魔法杖是用魔法玻璃制作出来的。

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