
《命令与征服3 凯恩之怒》史诗单位指导

作者: 佚名 2013-01-29 19:01


英文作者:fuumamonouwith the arrival of command and conquer 3: kane’s wrath, we were itroduced to a new class of units called "epic units." epic units are slow, super heay vehicles that can take and deal massive amounts of damage and even run over tier 3 vehicles. each epic unit also has a special ability that further complements your army.伴随cc3 kw的到来,我们接触到一类全新的单位——“史诗单位”。史诗单位是行动缓慢的超重型车辆单位,它可以造成巨大的伤害,甚至可以碾压三级车辆。每个史诗单位都拥有一种特殊的能力它可以大大提升你部队的战斗力。in addition to their abilities, epic units hae a number of garrisonable hard-points. when you put certain infatry into these hard-points a permanent upgrade will appear depending on the type of infatry you add. this makes epic units very customizable.除去它们的能力外,史诗单位还拥有一些可进驻点。当你把特定的步兵进驻在这些位置时,会根据进驻步兵的类型得到一种永久的升级。这使得史诗单位可以有多种自定义组合。epic units are very unique in their own right, and they all hae advantages and disadvantages. this guide will elucidate these differences and how to exploit them.史诗单位有各自独特的地方,它们各有各的优势和劣势。这篇指导将会阐述这些不同点以及如何正确利用它们。

mammoth armed reclamation vehicle (marv)


《命令与征服3 凯恩之怒》史诗单位指导

the marv is gdi’s epic unit, and a beast of an epic unit at that. it is armed with an area of effect sonic cannon that does massive damage to units in a sall area. this makes the marv extremely powerful against masses of saller units. as powerful as it is, this weapon only constitutes a fraction of the marv’s potential.marv是gdi的史诗单位,而且是史诗单位中的巨兽。它装配了一挺范围攻击的超声波加农炮,可以对小范围内的单位造成巨大伤害。这使得marv在对付成群小型单位时相当有效。这门强大的主炮仅仅占marv能力的一部分。in addition to its regular weapon, the marv can be garrisoned with up to four infan

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