alleys和Gullies∶当你看到第一个airplane box时转向右侧。
在Bombs Away这一关,向左转所有的路线会发现一块电池,然后再向右转移会发现另一块。
在Andy的邻居这一关,爬上swing,然后再到另一个swing。移到轮胎上(用绳子),然后顺著绳子爬上去,就可以跳到树的顶部了。(注意∶在树的顶部有一个kite boss,当你第一次上树时,会出现HAM。给他50美分将会得到一个Pizza Planet纪念章。)
在Andy’s Neighborhood这一关,开始时,你会看到有一辆拖拉机在追赶你。不要离开院子,来回转一会儿,你就会看到绿色玩具军人。加快步伐并靠近他,如果你能找全5个玩具军人,他会给你一个Pizza Planet奖章。如果你看到了火焰的话,其他几个就会很容易找到。
击败Wind Up机器人
Finding Mr. Potato Head’s eye
To retrieve Mr. Potato Head’s eye (and receive the disc launcher), keep climbing up the construction site. You will eventually find the eye.
All the men you need
After passing the first level Andy’s house start it again and grab the extra man in the crib, then exit the level and repeat the process until you have the proper amount of men you need.
去allyies and gullies,进入市场,只要在路的尽头就跳进水里穿过路障,注意寻找底部的隧道,进入隧道你就会得到生命,可以重复使用这招。
Extra Life by going a faster way!
On the level Andy’s House,go in the garage and turn to your left once you come through the doggy door.Climb on the box,then climb on the tool shelf were the saws are.Now you will see a coffee cup,climb on it,then if you look up you will see a long light bar.Do the high jump to get up there,there will be strings holding it up.Climb up the middle one and there you got a life!
按住[Shift]及[Ctrl]键不放,然后你就会在屏幕的左上角看见一个四方形盒子,按buzz’s laser就会无敌了。
On construction yard go to the top of the building and go to the crane.do double jump of the end and you will land on the trailer, there is an extra life.go to the top again and jump off the side of the crane and land on the top of the tractorthere is a life there.
Alternate Invincibility
Quickly type alakazam when "Press Jump" appears at the first screen
Defeating the Jackhammer Boss
Get the disk shooter from Mr. Potato Head. Shoot the Boss, but do not allow him get too close to you, or he will shoot out hot bolts Note: You must find Mr. Potato Head’s eye to unlock and receive the disk shooter. You only receive ten disks that may be used over and over if you return.
Defeating the Final Bosses
You have to fight the Gunslinger, the Blacksmith and the Old Prospector in the final level. Defeat them in that order. To defeat the Gunslinger, use lasers. Use the spin for the Blacksmith and the Prospector.