

作者: 张良宣 2013-05-16 16:29




Asps very dangerous you go first.  

mplete all Story Mode Levels in Raiders Hub.

完成所有Raiders Hub的Story模式

I don’t believe in hocus-pocus.  

Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Raiders Hub.

完成所有Raiders Hub的Treasure模式

He was good, he was very good. 

Complete all Bonus Levels in Raiders Hub.

完成所有Raiders Hub的Bonus模式

You betrayed Shiva! 

Complete all Story Mode Levels in Temple of Doom Hub.

完成所有Temple of Doom Hub的Story模式

I'm a conceited ape?  

Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Temple of Doom Hub.

完成所有Temple of Doom Hub的Treasure模式

You dare not do that.  

Complete all Bonus Levels in Temple of Doom Hub.

完成所有Temple of Doom Hub的Bonus模式

We named the dog Indiana. 

Complete all Story Mode Levels in Crusade Hub.

完成所有Crusade Hub的Story模式

I can almost reach it! 

Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Crusade Hub.

完成所有Crusade Hub的Treasure模式

Our situation has not improved. 

Complete all Bonus Levels in Crusade Hub.

完成所有Crusade Hub的Bonus模式

I thought that was closer.  

Complete all Story Mode Levels in Skull 1 Hub.

完成所有Skull 1 Hub的Story模式

I meant drop dead... Comrade. 

Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Skull 1 Hub.

完成所有Skull 1 Hub的Treasure模式

What are you, like 80? 

Complete all Bonus Levels in Skull 1 Hub.

完成所有Skull 1 Hub的Bonus模式

Grab the snake! 

Complete all Story Mode Levels in Skull 2 Hub.

完成所有Skull 2 Hub的Story模式

We're not grave robbers.  

Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Skull 2 Hub.

完成所有Skull 2 Hub的Treasure模式

You’re one crazy old man.  

Complete all Bonus Levels in Skull 2 Hub.

完成所有Skull 2 Hub的Bonus模式

Three times it drops!  

Complete all Story Mode Levels in Skull 3 Hub.

完成所有Skull 3 Hub的Story模式

They were archaeologists!  

Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Skull 3 Hub.

完成所有Skull 3 Hub的Treasure模式

Into the space in-between spaces  

Complete all Bonus Levels in Skull 3 Hub.

完成所有Skull 3 Hub的Bonus模式

Wiped clean by the wrath of God.  

Edit a Bonus level in the Builder.


And I even like the color.  

Create a validated Builder level.


What are you looking at Daddy-o?  

Create a customised character.


I taught you self-reliance.  

Complete the Builder Tutorial levels.


What a vivid imagination.  

Complete a "Build Your Own Adventure". 

完成 "Build Your Own Adventure"模式


Seeing communists in our soup.  

Defeat 50 Russians with Mutt.


So what are you, a triple agent?  

Destroy Indy 3 times with Mac.

用Mac打倒Jones 3次

“You're a teacher?” “Part-time”. 

Use Scholar  access 10 times.


Obtainer of rare antiquities.  

Find all the Artifacts in the game. (Single Player Only)


I’d cover my ears if I were you.  

Fire a  Bazooka 100 times.


You know how to fly, don't you?  

Complete all plane races. (Single Player Only)

完成所有的plane races(只限单人模式)

Not as easy as it used to be.  

Complete Hangar 51 in under 5 minutes.

5分钟内完成Hangar 51

Do svidanya, Dr. Jones.  

Destroy Indy with Spalko.


A long time to wait.  

Unlock the Grail Knight. (Single Player Only) 

解锁角色Grail Knight(只限单人模式)

Now you're getting nasty.  

Unlock all of the enemies in the game. (Single Player Only)


Wow! Holy Smoke! Crash landing!  

Destroy 100 enemy vehicles.


Get on, Gramps!  

Unlock all of the vehicles in the game. (Single Player  Only)


You choose the wrong friends.  

Complete all Story Levels in Quick Play modes. (Single Player Only)

在Quick Play模式中完成所有剧情关卡(只限单人模式)

What are they? Spacemen?   

Unlock the Interdimensional Being. (Single Player Only)

解锁角色Interdimensional  Being(只限单人模式)

No defiant last words Dr. Jones?  

Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only)




建议先将游戏从头到尾通关一遍,摸清所有的操作方法和技巧,再从头来完美。完成度里包括所有关卡通关、所有关卡TRUE ADVENTURE,集齐所有人物和载具,找到三种颜色的箱子各十个,并购买集齐十个箱子后的物品、通过最终完成所有关卡后出现的BONUS关卡。



关于BONUS LEVEL关卡的位置,已经补充在了第四节中供大家参考,由于语言比较通俗易懂,就不翻译了。倒是三种颜色的箱子,没有找到任何资料,而且据说这些箱子都是随机出的……


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