General Tips
This is an Interactive Hidden Object Game.
- Click on the Options button to add your profile name and to adjust the Music Volume, Sound Volume, Custom Cursor and Full Screen and enable hints option.
- Click on the TV Screen in the middle of the main screen to get news updates on your progress.
- There is a skip button on the upper right if you wish to skip the tutorial after the intro.
- You need to find all the pieces of the objects in the inventory bar on the bottom before you can use that item.
- You will need to interact with some of the items in the screen in order to find other items, for example, you may need to click on a rocking chair to make it rock.
- There is no penalty for random clicking.
- When your cursor changes to a magnifying glass that means the area requires you to inspect more closely.
- The cursor will change to a gear when you need to use an inventory item on it.
- The green box to the right of Kira is a storage area for assembled items you will need later.
- Item pieces in red are hidden and will require you to move or open something to find it.
- Click on Kira on the lower left to repeat the last message you had.
- Items circled in red in the screenshots will require you to open, move or interact with something in order to access it.
- You may skip the puzzles after a minute.
- You may wish to ha ve a pencil and pad handy to write on since you will ha ve to memorize some #’s that are random.
- When you need to move on to another area you will get sparkles in the direction you need to go.
- Hints replenish at a reasonable rate.
- Click on Menu in the upper left to exit game.
Chapter 1
- Find the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Open the cabinet (A), rock the rocking chair (B) and move the pillow (C) to get the hidden pieces.
- Use the SLEDGEHAMMER on the Pneumo-Mail tube (D).
- Take the final piece of the SCREWDRIVER and read the message from the mail pouch (F).
- Place the BOOKS on the bookshelf (E) and arrange in Roman numeral order; I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII. (The clues are strewn about the room to let you know how to decipher Roman numerals.)
- Take the CROSSBOW from the cache behind the photo (G).
- Click on the door for a close-up and use the SCREWDRIVER on each of the 3 screws and then pull the handle while still in close-up.
- Exit to the balcony.
- Pull the lever to the right of the door (A) and head inside and take the piece in the fan above the door.
- Head back to the balcony.
- Find all the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Use the WRENCH on the fuse box (B) on each of the 4 bolts and pull out a fuse.
- Pick up the remaining spyglass piece from the puddle.
- Place the SPYGLASS on the tripod and remember the number that is on the hat since they are random. I am using 041.
- Go back inside and click on the table on the left.
- Dial the number that has the first three digits that coincides with the number you took off the helmet, remembering that these are random. I am using 041-35691.
- Go on the balcony and take your CROSSBOW from storage (C) and use it on the helmet. Watch the cutscene.
Chapter 2
- Find all the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Open the cabinet (A) to get a hidden piece.
- Place the CANDELABRA on the wall (B) and turn it.
- Pick up and move the bottom helmet in the cache behind the photo (C) and take the hidden piece.
- Open the drawer (D) and move all the items off to the sides in order to open the hidden compartment.
- Take the final WIND-UP KEY piece from the hidden compartment.
- Click on the train set and use the WIND-UP KEY in the hole on the side of the engine car.
- Take the KEYS from the top of the train (E).
- Use the KEYS on the window lock (F) and pick up the paper airplane that landed by the censer on the table.
- Find all the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Use the STAR on the dressing table (A) and take the NOTE from the mirror.
- Use the NOTE on the mirror and read all 3 of the notes by clicking on the one you want and it will appear on top.
- Exit the mirror by clicking on the green arrow on the bottom..
- Use the HAMMER on the vase (B) and take the hidden piece.
- Click on the mirror to go through.
- Find all the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Click on the TV screen (G) to watch the news.
- Click on the bottom right compartment under the mirror (A) to get a hidden piece.
- Place the PIRATE HAT on the pirate mannequin (B) and take the hidden piece in his hand.
- Place the DRAWER HANDLE on the left compartment under the mirror (C) and take the hidden piece.
- Use the KEY on the locked cabinet (D) and take the hidden piece.
- Use the CURTAIN CLIP on the left curtain (E) and take the hidden piece.
- Use the SCISSORS on the moving carpet (F) and follow the butterflies back through the mirror.
- Take the two pieces in the hole in the carpet.
- Use the TONGS on the censer (A) to get TONGS WITH A BURNING COAL.
- Use the ROPE on the open window (B) and exit through the window.
- Find all the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Click on the tire (A) and it automatically goes on the axle.
- Use the WATERING CAN on the pond (B) to get a FULL WATERING CAN.
- Use the FULL WATERING CAN on the wilted flowers (C) and take the hidden piece.
- Go forward by clicking on the drawbridge (D).
- Find all the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Use the BROOM on the spider web (A) and take the hidden piece.
- Use the SICKLE on the cattails (B).
- Exit via the bottom right of the screen.
- Take the piece that was highlighted in the ponds on the left.
- Use the BUTTERFLY NET on the HAIRPIN in the pond (A).
- Use the HAIRPIN on the trunk (B) and take the hidden piece and click again to take the WRENCH from the trunk.
- Use the WRENCH on each lug nut on the right rear wheel (C).
- Take the two hidden pieces that were under the car.
- Use the RAKE on the pile of lea ves (D) and take the hidden piece.
- Use the OILCAN on the elevator gears (E).
- Use the GLOVES on the poison ivy (F) on the side of the house 4 times till the panel opens.
- Turn the red handle (G) to highlight the drawbridge.
- Head over to the drawbridge.
- Take the two pieces under the lit drawbridge.
- Head back to the lighting panel via the bottom of the screen and turn the red handle to handle to highlight the gazebo.
- Go forward to the gazebo and click on the floor (A).
- The object of the puzzle is to get all 3 corresponding medallions relating to Earth (A), Water (B), Air (C) and Fire (D) in the same circle with the element symbol. See screenshot for solution.
- Take the hidden piece when puzzle is complete.
- Head back to the lighting panel and switch to drawbridge.
- Hang the LANTERN on the hook (A) on the drawbridge.
- Take the hidden piece now lit up in the water.
- Place the LION’S HEAD on the headless lion statue (B).
- Click on the 2 lion heads till they face each other (C) and the drawbridge will go down.
- Cross over the drawbridge.
- Find all the pieces needed to complete the items that are not in red.
- Use the JUG on the fountain to get a JUG WITH WATER and place it on the brick sticking up (A) in front of the statue.
- Take the hidden piece under the raised left wing of the statue.
- Use the chain on the broken chain (B) on the upper left of the lamp pole and automatically get a LIGHT COVER.
- Take the hidden piece from the tree where the lamp was.
- Use the LIGHT COVER on the fountain (C) to catch the fish.
- Take the hidden piece from the light cover with the fish in it on the side of the fountain.
- Use the MATCHES on the lea ves (D) to s moke out the wasps.
- Take the hidden piece from where the wasp nest used to hang.
- Use the GEARS on the front of the fountain and take the hidden piece from the drained fountain.
- Click on the gold cover (F) in the fountain and use the SCREWDRIVER on the 4 screws and take the DRAGON.
- Head back to the elevator and go up to Kiras’s room.
- Use the TONGS WITH A BURNING COAL on the candelabras on either side of the mirror to attract the butterflies.
- Go through the mirror and use the DRAGON on the lock on the large mirror on the right.
- Head through the unlocked mirror.