

作者: 谢前聪 2013-05-10 13:36

Data entries are as follows
; Type The internal name of the unit. Note this not necessarily the same as the on screen name
类型 作战单位的(系统)内部名称。注意这一名称不一定与游戏中的名称相同。
; dictionary The tag used to look up the on screen name
字典 用于查阅游戏中单位名称的标签(注:说明了类型中的名称和游戏中的名称的对应关系)
; category infantry, ca valry, siege, handler, ship or non_combatant
类别 infantry步兵,ca valry骑兵,siege攻城机械,handler操纵者(注:比如战犬),ship战船或non_combatant非战士(注:如农民)
; class light, hea vy, missile or spearmen
;武器种类 light轻武器,hea vy重武器,missile远程武器或spearmen长矛 
; voice_type Used to determine the type of voice used by the unit
;声音类型 作战单位所使用的声音的类型
; soldier Name of the soldier model to use (from descr_models_battle.txt)
; followed by the number of ordinary soldiers in the unit
; followed by the number of extras (pigs dogs, elephants, chariots artillery pieces etc attached to the unit)
; followed by the collision mass of the men. 1.0 is normal. Only applies to infantry
士兵 从左到右依次是:
额外数目(单位中所包含的火猪、战犬、大象、战车和远程器械的数量),collision mass(冲撞量?)标准为1.0只适用于步兵。
; ship Type of ship used if applicable
战船 战船的名称
; engine Type of siege engine used by unit
器械 攻城器械的名称
; animal The type of non ridden on animals used by the unit
动物 作战单位所使用的非坐骑类动物的名称
; mount Type of animal or vehicle ridden on
;坐骑 坐骑动物的类型
; mount_effect Factors to add when in combat against enemy units that ha ve the specified mounts
坐骑效果 与敌人作战时因为特定坐骑产生的因素加成(注:如骑兵对骆驼减4,对大象减8)
; attributes A miscellanious list of attributes and abilities the unit may ha ve. Including
部队属性 部队属性的列表,包括:
; sea_faring可以上船
hide_forest, 可在森林中隐藏hide_improved_forest, 可在森林中更好的隐藏hide_long_grass, 可在草丛中隐藏hide_anywhere 可随处隐藏 
frighten_foot, 惊吓步兵frighten_mounted 惊吓骑兵 can_run_amok容易失去控制 
command 部队带有鹰徽,可为周围部队提供加成; mercenary_unit 部队为雇佣军
; formation soldier spacing (in metres) side to side, then front to back for close formation
; followed by the same measurements in loose formation.
; followed by the default number of ranks for the unit
; followed by the formations possible for the unit. One or two of
; square, horde, phalanx, testudo, or wedge
;阵形 从左到右依次是:
阵形(square方阵, horde散阵, phalanx长枪方阵, testudo龟阵, or wedge楔形阵)
; stat_health Hit points of man, followed by hit points of mount or attached animal (if applicable)
生命力 士兵的生命点数,坐骑和相关动物的生命点数(如果有)(注:作为坐骑的马和骆驼没有单独的生命点数,这个数值一般指战车或大象的生命点数)

; stat_pri From left to right
; attack factor
; attack bonus factor if charging
; missile type fired (no if not a missile weapon type)
; range of missile
; amount of missile ammunition per man
; Weapon type = melee, thrown, missile, or siege_missile
; Tech type = simple, other, blade, archery or siege
; Damage type = piercing, blunt, slashing or fire. (I don’t think this is used anymore)
; Sound type when weapon hits = none, knife, mace, axe, sword, or spear
; Min delay between attacks (in 1/10th of a second)

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