奖杯图 | 英文 | 中文 | 奖杯 |
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Get all other trophies. | 获得其余所有奖杯。 |
| The Missing 8 |
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Find Every Poster | 找到每一张海报 |
| No Stone Left Unturned |
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Collect Every Stuffed Squirrel | 收集全部的松鼠标本 |
| Been Everywhere |
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Complete All Marked Destinations on the Map | 在地图上标记所有的目的地 |
| That Looks Like It Hurt |
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Restore Survivors 25 Times | 救助幸存者25次 |
| No Down Payments |
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Find Every Useable Vehicle | 发现所有可用车辆 |
| Need More Spots Up Front |
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Dismember 250 Limbs | 截下250条手脚 |
| It's Gotta Be the Brain |
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Dismember All Limbs of 25 Walkers | 截下25个行尸的四肢 |
| Every Man, Woman and Child |
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Choose to Travel at Least Once with Every Optional Survivor | 与每位幸存者至少同行一次 |
| Zig-Zagging All Over the Road |
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Explore 25 Unmarked Travel Locations | 勘探途径的25个无标记的地点 |
| You're Just Not My Type |
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Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Being Grabbed by a Walker | 在不被行尸捕获的情况下,到达一处已经标记好的目的地 |
 | You're Doing It Wrong |
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Perish 13 Times | 死13次 |
| You Go Your Way, I'll Go Mine |
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Dismiss a Survivor | 驱逐所有的幸存者 |
| We Survive by Pulling Together |
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Recruit 1 Optional Survivor | 吸收一名幸存者入队 |
| Two Heads Are Better Than One |
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Kill Multiple Walkers with One Bullet | 用一发子 弹杀死两具行尸 |
| True Dixon |
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Complete a Marked Destination on the Map Using Only the Crossbow | 只用一把十字弓到达一处已经在地图上标记好的目的地。 |
| This Is How Hot Dogs Are Made |
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10 Walkers Killed with Saw Blades in the Logging Camp | 在Logging Camp(伐木工棚)击杀10个那锯条的行尸 |
| They're People, Too! |
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Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Killing a Walker | 不杀死一具行尸的情况下到达地图上已经标记好的目的地 |
| They Know Me at the Range |
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Kill Walkers Using Every Ranged Weapon | 使用各种远程武器杀死行尸 |
 | The Hunted Becomes the Hunter |
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Kill 5 Walkers in the Cabot Ridge Creek Bed | 在Cabot Ridge Creek Bed(卡伯特山脉的河床)杀死5具行尸 |
| That's a Nice Swing You've Got |
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Kill Walkers Using Every Melee Weapon | 使用各种近战武器杀死行尸 |
| Still Not Buying a Hybrid |
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Consume 250 Fuel | 耗尽250点燃料值 |
 | Stay Together, Stay Safe |
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5 Survivors Killed while Scavenging | 在清理废气时5名幸存者被杀 |
| Sorry, Brother |
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Complete the First Act | 完成First Act(第一步)这一章 |
| Sneak Attack |
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Perform Execution Kills on 50 Walkers | 爆头杀死50具行尸 |
| Say Hello to My Little Friend |
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Complete a Marked Map Destination Using Only Firearms | 只使用枪械,到达一处已在地图上标记好的目的地 |
| Rosie the Rampager |
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Arrive at Final Destination with Only Female Survivors | 只与女性同行,到达最终的目的地 |
| Porcupine |
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Shoot a Walker with 10 Bolts without Killing It | 射一具行尸10箭还没有将其杀死 |
| Ooh, Shiny! |
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Distract 50 Walkers with Items | 用道具一次性转移50具行尸的注意力 |
| On the Road Again |
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Explore an Unmarked Travel Location | 勘探一处途径的没有标记的地点 |
| Oedipal Complex |
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Complete the First Location | 完成First Location(第一个目的地)这一章 |
| Now Don't You Get Bit! |
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Prevent 50 Walkers from Grabbing You | 阻止50具行尸对你的抓捕 |
| Not a Scratch |
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Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Taking Any Damage | 无伤到达一处已在地图上标记好的目的地 |
| Nobody Can Kill Merle but Merle |
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Complete the Second Act | 完成Second Act(第二步)这一章 |
| Next Step: Bullet Belt |
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Fire 300 Bullets | 开枪300次 |
| Need a Hand? |
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Prevent a Walker from Damaging You by Severing Its Attacking Limb | 用断肢的方式阻止一具行尸对你的攻击 |
| Moving to the 'Burbs |
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Complete the Third Act | 完成Third Act(第三步)这一章 |
| Mind if I Borrow This? |
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Pull a Bolt From a Walker Then Kill Them With It | 从杀死的行尸上获取箭矢 |
| It's Not Venison, but It'll Do |
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Consume 50 MREs | 吃下50份军粮 |
| I Used to Be a Human Like You |
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Shoot a Walker in the Knee with a Bolt | 让一个行尸的膝盖中一箭 |
| I Can Handle This Myself |
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Enter Sherwood Without Any Survivors | 在没有其余幸存者的情况下,进入Sherwood(舍伍德森林) |
| Have a Nice Trip! |
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Kill a Walker That Is Falling Due to Dismemberment | 用断肢的方式杀死一具行尸 |
| Guys Night Out |
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Arrive at Final Destination with Only Male Survivors | 只与男性幸存者同行到达最终的目的地 |
| Group Hug |
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Kill 4 Walkers in a Single Grapple Sequence | 一人徒手杀死4具行尸 |
| Good Samaritan |
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Complete 25 Optional Objectives | 完成25 Optional Objectives(25个可选目标)这一章 |
| Get Out of Dodge |
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Complete the Final Marked Destination on the Map | 到达最终的目的地 |
| Extreme Conditioning |
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Sprint Until You're Exhausted 10 Times in One Level | 在同一片区域中耗尽10次中刺槽 |
| Duct Tape Can Fix Anything |
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Survive 5 Breakdowns | 接触5次故障 |
| Down to My Last |
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Complete the Game with Only 1 Firearm and 1 Bullet Left in Your Inventory | 通关时只剩一个灭火器和一发子 弹 |
| Crash Course in Brain Surgery |
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Kill 100 Walkers while Grappling | 在被抓捕时,杀死100具行尸 |
| BOOM! Who Needs a Headshot? |
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Kill 5 Walkers with One Explosion | 爆头杀死5具行尸