

作者: 佚名 2013-01-16 17:49



explodes on contact(在接触时爆炸)

giant wall-nut(巨型墙果)


marigold sprout(金盏花花苗)


dog walking zombie(遛狗僵尸)

dog zombie(狗僵尸)

propeller zombie(螺旋桨僵尸)


{no_sound}{no_click}this extra mower will give you another line of defense after a lawn mower is used!(额外的割草机可以在一辆割草机使用后再给你一辆割草机!)

mysterious vase(神秘的花瓶)

you found a mysterious vase! (你找到了神秘的花瓶!)

now you can play
vasebreaker mode!(现在你能玩砸花瓶模式了!)

you can only plant {seed} seeds there(你只能在那里种{seed}棵植物)

the shovel needs time to refresh before digging again(铲子在铲走植物后需要时间来刷新)

free planting cheat(作弊:自由种植)

temp - dave put more vases on your lawn!(戴夫在你的草地上放了更多的花瓶!)
{streak} of 5 waves cleared(完成了5波中的{streak}波)

more vases incoming!(更多的花瓶来了!)
{streak} of 3 waves cleared(完成了3波中的{streak}波)

fill in all the outlined spaces with wall-nuts!(把所有标记的位置种上墙果!)(迷你游戏21关)

fill in all the outlined spaces! (把所有标记的位置种上植物!)(迷你游戏25关)

survival: day (endless)(生存模式:白天(无尽版))(生存模式11关)

survival: night (endless) (生存模式:晚上(无尽版))(生存模式12关)

survival: fog (endless) (生存模式:浓雾(无尽版))(生存模式14关)

survival: roof (endless) (生存模式:屋顶(无尽版))(生存模式15关)

can you dig it?(你能挖出它吗?)

grave danger(危险墓穴)(迷你游戏29关)

dark stormy night(黑暗的暴风雨夜)(迷你游戏31关)

air raid(空袭)(迷你游戏26关)

bungee blitz(蹦极闪电战)(迷你游戏32关)

art challenge wall-nut(墙果艺术挑战)(迷你游戏21关)

sunny day(晴天)(迷你游戏22关)


big time(重要时间)(迷你游戏24关)

art challenge sunflower(向日葵艺术挑战)(迷你游戏25关)

ice level(冰冻关卡)(迷你游戏27关)

high gravity(超乎寻常的压力)(迷你游戏28关)

i, zombie 2(我是僵尸2)


{count} more squirrel to go! (还剩{count}只松鼠!)(迷你游戏33关)

{count} more squirrels to go! (还剩{count}只松鼠!)(迷你游戏33关)

oh no! find all the squirrels before
the zombie makes it to your house! (哦,不!在僵尸进入你的家前找出所有的松鼠!)(迷你游戏33关)



{no_sound}{no_click}get more levels, more plants, and more zombies in the full version of this game!(在完整版中得到更多的关卡、植物和僵尸!)

{time_275}end of the line, buddy!{delay_50}(完行,老兄!)
{time_275}yup, you knew this talk was coming.{delay_50}(是啊,你知道这次谈话到来了。)
{time_325}you wanna go further? you gotta get the full version.{delay_50}(你想走得更远?那就需要得到完整版。)
{time_275}ok, i’ll level with ya, sassafras...{delay_50}(不会翻译t_t)
{time_325}if you get the full version, i’ll give you more plants!{delay_25}(如果你得到了完整版,我会给你更多的植物!)
{time_175}{scream}{handing}like this one!{delay_50}(像这种!)
{time_175}{scream}{handing}and this one!{delay_50}(还有这种!)
{time_275}{handing}and later on, i’ll even throw in this one!{delay_50}(以后我还会加上这种!)
{time_225}{shake}because i’m craaazy!!!!!{mouth_big_smile}{delay_150}(因为我疯——掉啦!!)
{time_150}and hey...{delay_50}(嗨……)
{time_175}you want action?{delay_50}(你想行动吗?)
{time_200}{scream}i’ll give you action!{delay_300}(我将会让你行动!)
{time_300}{scream2}25 more levels of action!{delay_300}(25个更多的关卡!)
{time_300}{scream}40 mini-games & puzzles!{delay_50}(40个迷你游戏和谜题!)
{time_200}terra cotta!!!{delay_100}(不会翻译,杯具,难道是兵马俑?)
{time_300}{scream2}it’s enough to blow your mind to mars and back!!{delay_300}(它足以使你到火星再回来!)
{time_150}well, what are you waiting for?(你还在等什么?)

full version only(只有完整版)

get the full version of this game
to use this awesome plant!(得到完整版就可以使用这种可怕的植物了!)

full version only(只有完整版)

get full version(得到完整版)

would you like the purchase the full version?(你想购买完整版吗?)

get full version(得到完整版)

maybe later(以后再说)

this item is only available in the
full version of the game!(它只在完整版中可用!)

get full version(得到完整版)

this plant is only available in the full version! (这种植物只在完整版中可用!)

are you sure you want to play this level without lily pads?(你确认在不带睡莲的情况下玩此关吗?)

now that it’s nighttime, you need sunflowers more than ever. are you sure you want to play the level without them?(现在是晚上,你需要比以前更多的向日葵。你确认在不带它们的情况下玩此关吗?)

this level will be extremely difficult without puff-shrooms. are you sure you wish to continue without them?(这关在不带小蘑菇的情况下会非常难。你确认不带它们吗?)

do not be alarmed
plants are not real(不要惊慌,并不是真的植物)

replay level?(重新开始关卡?)

do you wish to replay level 3-4? (你想重新开始3-4关吗?)


上一篇 : 《弗洛大街》 ...

下一篇 : 《生化奇兵2 ...

