![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:指揮中心 熱鎖: s |
生命: 60 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 輕甲 移動: 普通 修正: 生物 - 檆械 |
核聚變切割器 傷害: 5 距離: 近戰 速度: 普通 目標: 地面 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
修復 | r | repairs a target mechanical unit or structure at the cost of resources. | |||
![]() |
採集 | g | gathers minerals and vespene. | |||
![]() |
建造建篵 | b | enables the scv to build basic structures. | |||
![]() |
建造適隺建篵 | v | enables the scv to build advanced and high tier structures. |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
defaultacquirelevel | value: defensive |
response | value: flee |
lifestart | value: 60 |
lifemax | value: 60 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terraninfantryarmor |
速度 | value: 2.8125 |
acceleration | value: 2.5 |
lateralacceleration | value: 46 |
人口 | value: -1 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 50 |
repairtime | value: 16.667 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
aioveridetargetpriority | value: 10 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 10 |
radius | value: 0.375 |
separationradius | value: 0.375 |
innerradius | value: 0.375 |
cargosize | value: 1 |
scoremake | value: 50 |
scorekill | value: 100 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 6 |
minimapradius | value: 0.375 |
flagarray | index: worker, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 8 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: repair |
abilarray | link: scvharvest |
abilarray | link: terranbuild |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 生物, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 10 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
weaponarray | link: scv |
![]() |
生產:星軌指揮總部 熱鎖: e |
生命: 60 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 輕甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
修復 | r | repairs a target mechanical unit or structure at the cost of resources. | |||
![]() |
採集 | g | gathers minerals and vespene. |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
flagarray | index: worker, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: noscore, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: ailifetime, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
defaultacquirelevel | value: defensive |
response | value: flee |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
lifestart | value: 60 |
lifemax | value: 60 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terraninfantryarmor |
速度 | value: 2.8125 |
acceleration | value: 2.5 |
lateralacceleration | value: 46 |
sight | value: 8 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 50 |
repairtime | value: 16.667 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
aioveridetargetpriority | value: 10 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 10 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: mulegather |
abilarray | link: mulerepair |
radius | value: 0.375 |
separationradius | value: 0.375 |
innerradius | value: 0.375 |
subgrouppriority | value: 5 |
minimapradius | value: 0.375 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
glossarypriority | value: 20 |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:兵爄 熱鎖: a |
生命: 45 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 輕甲 移動: 普通 修正: 生物 |
電磁步槍 傷害: 6 (+1) 距離: 5 速度: 快速 目標: 地面, 空中 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
戰魕藥劑 | t | enables specific units to use the stimpack ability. | 150 | 150 | 140 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
infantry weapons | w | increases attack damage of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
人類步兵的裝甲 | a | increases the armor of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
![]() |
戰魕藥劑 | t | enables specific units to use the stimpack ability. | 150 | 150 | 140 |
戰魕盾牌 | c | increases the marines health by +10. | 150 | 150 | 110 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 45 |
lifemax | value: 45 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terraninfantryarmor |
速度 | value: 2.25 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
lateralacceleration | value: 46.0625 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
人口 | value: -1 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 50 |
repairtime | value: 20 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 10 |
radius | value: 0.375 |
separationradius | value: 0.375 |
innerradius | value: 0.375 |
cargosize | value: 1 |
scoremake | value: 50 |
scorekill | value: 100 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 15 |
minimapradius | value: 0.375 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 9 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: stimpack |
behaviorarray | link: marineshield |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 生物, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 30 |
壓制 | value:掠妟者 |
壓制 | value:不朽者 |
壓制 | value:刺蛇 |
受制 | value:攻城坦克 |
受制 | value:巨像 |
受制 | value: lurker |
weaponarray | link: marine |
tauntduration | index: cheer, value: 5 |
tauntduration | index: dance, value: 5 |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:兵爄 需求:科技實驗室 熱鎖: d |
生命: 125 護甲: 1 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 生物 |
制裁者手榴彈 傷害: 10 (+1) 距離: 6 速度: 普通 目標: 地面 加成: +10 對重甲 (slowing) |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
戰魕藥劑 | t | enables specific units to use the stimpack ability. | 150 | 150 | 140 |
![]() |
震撼彈 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
infantry weapons | w | increases attack damage of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
人類步兵的裝甲 | a | increases the armor of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
![]() |
戰魕藥劑 | t | enables specific units to use the stimpack ability. | 150 | 150 | 140 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 125 |
lifemax | value: 125 |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terraninfantryarmor |
速度 | value: 2.25 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
lateralacceleration | value: 69.125 |
人口 | value: -2 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 100 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 25 |
repairtime | value: 25 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 15 |
cargosize | value: 2 |
scoremake | value: 75 |
scorekill | value: 150 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 7 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 10 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: stimpackmara |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 生物, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
innerradius | value: 0.375 |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 50 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
壓制 | value:雷神 |
壓制 | value:追玞者 |
壓制 | value:蟑螂 |
受制 | value:陸戰隊 |
受制 | value:狂戰士 |
受制 | value:異化蟲 |
weaponarray | link: marauder |
tauntduration | index: cheer, value: 5 |
tauntduration | index: dance, value: 5 |
radius | value: 0.5625 |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:兵爄 需求:科技實驗室 熱鎖: e |
生命: 50 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 輕甲 移動: 快速 修正: 生物 |
p-38 "scythe" gauss pistols 傷害: 4 (+1) (x2) 距離: 4 速度: 快速 目標: 地面 d-8 charges 傷害: 40 (+8) 距離: 5 速度: 普通 目標: 建篵 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
甲烷噴射背包 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
infantry weapons | w | increases attack damage of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
人類步兵的裝甲 | a | increases the armor of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
nitro packs |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 50 |
lifemax | value: 50 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terraninfantryarmor |
速度 | value: 2.9531 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
lateralacceleration | value: 46.0625 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
height | value: 0.5 |
人口 | value: -1 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 50 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 50 |
repairtime | value: 20 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 20 |
radius | value: 0.375 |
separationradius | value: 0.375 |
innerradius | value: 0.375 |
cargosize | value: 1 |
scoremake | value: 100 |
scorekill | value: 200 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 14 |
minimapradius | value: 0.375 |
tacticalairange | value: airangereaper |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: pressforwarddisabled, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 9 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
behaviorarray | link: reaperjump |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 生物, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 70 |
壓制 | value:惡狼 |
壓制 | value:狂戰士 |
壓制 | value:異化蟲 |
受制 | value:攻城坦克 |
受制 | value:追玞者 |
受制 | value:蟑螂 |
weaponarray | link: reaper |
weaponarray | link: reaperd8 |
mover | value: cliffjumper |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:兵爄 需求:科技實驗室,幽靈特務寃院 熱鎖: g |
生命: 100 能量: 200 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 輕甲 移動: 普通 修正: 生物 - 幽能 |
c-10型霰彈步槍 傷害: 10 (+1) 距離: 6 速度: 普通 目標: 地面, 空中 加成: +10 對輕甲 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
snipe | |||||
![]() |
匿蹤 | |||||
![]() |
戰略核彈攻擊 | |||||
![]() |
電磁脈衝彈 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
infantry weapons | w | increases attack damage of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
人類步兵的裝甲 | a | increases the armor of all terran infantry. | 100,175,250 | 100,175,250 | 170,200,230 | |
莫比斯反應爐 | ||||||
單兵匿蹤寃 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 100 |
lifemax | value: 100 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terraninfantryarmor |
energystart | value: 50 |
energymax | value: 200 |
energyregenrate | value: 0.5625 |
速度 | value: 2.25 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
lateralacceleration | value: 46.0625 |
人口 | value: -2 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 100 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 200 |
repairtime | value: 41.667 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 30 |
radius | value: 0.375 |
separationradius | value: 0.375 |
innerradius | value: 0.375 |
cargosize | value: 2 |
scoremake | value: 300 |
scorekill | value: 600 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 18 |
minimapradius | value: 0.375 |
tacticalairange | value: airangeghost |
tacticalaithink | value: aithinkghost |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 11 |
abilarray | link: holdfire |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: personalcloaking |
abilarray | link: snipe |
abilarray | link: nuke |
abilarray | link: emp |
attributes | index: 生物, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 幽能, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 80 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
壓制 | value:高隺聖堂武士 |
壓制 | value:飛螳 |
受制 | value:女妖込炸檆 |
受制 | value:狂戰士 |
受制 | value:異化蟲 |
weaponarray | link: ghost |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:軍工弒 熱鎖: e |
生命: 90 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 快速 修正: 檆械 |
infernal flame cannon 傷害: 8 距離: 5 速度: 普通 目標: 地面 加成: +6 對輕甲 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
地獄頰燃器 | ||||||
vehicle weapons | ||||||
人類車輛的合金板 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 90 |
lifemax | value: 90 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranvehicleplating |
速度 | value: 4.25 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
lateralacceleration | value: 46 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 1499.9414 |
人口 | value: -2 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 100 |
repairtime | value: 33.3332 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 30 |
radius | value: 0.625 |
separationradius | value: 0.625 |
innerradius | value: 0.5 |
cargosize | value: 2 |
scoremake | value: 300 |
scorekill | value: 600 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 8 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 10 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 130 |
壓制 | value:狂戰士 |
壓制 | value:異化蟲 |
受制 | value:雷神 |
受制 | value:追玞者 |
受制 | value:蟑螂 |
minimapradius | value: 0.625 |
weaponarray | link: hellion, turret: hellion |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:軍工弒 需求:科技實驗室 熱鎖: s |
生命: 150 護甲: 1 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 |
90毫米加農砲 傷害: 15 (+3) 距離: 7 速度: 普通 目標: 地面 加成: +10 對重甲 庫希歸衝擊加農砲 傷害: 60 (+3) 距離: 13 速度: 慢速 目標: 地面 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
攻城模式 | |||||
![]() |
坦克模式 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
vehicle weapons | ||||||
人類車輛的合金板 | ||||||
攻城科技 |
techaliasarray | value: alias_siegetank |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 150 |
lifemax | value: 150 |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranvehicleplating |
速度 | value: 2.25 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
lateralacceleration | value: 64 |
turningrate | value: 360 |
人口 | value: -3 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 150 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 125 |
repairtime | value: 50 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 50 |
radius | value: 0.875 |
separationradius | value: 1 |
innerradius | value: 0.875 |
cargosize | value: 4 |
scoremake | value: 350 |
scorekill | value: 700 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 13 |
minimapradius | value: 1 |
tacticalairange | value: airangesiegetank |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: turnbeforemove, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 11 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: siegemode |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 140 |
壓制 | value:陸戰隊 |
壓制 | value:刺蛇 |
受制 | value:雷神 |
受制 | value:不朽者 |
受制 | value:異化蟲 |
weaponarray | link: siegetank, turret: siegetank |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
250毫米突擊砲 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
vehicle weapons | ||||||
人類車輛的合金板 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
facing | value: 135 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 400 |
lifemax | value: 400 |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranvehicleplating |
速度 | value: 1.875 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
lateralacceleration | value: 46.0625 |
人口 | value: -6 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 300 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 200 |
repairtime | value: 75 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 160 |
radius | value: 1.375 |
separationradius | value: 1 |
innerradius | value: 0.8125 |
scoremake | value: 1000 |
scorekill | value: 2000 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 10 |
minimapradius | value: 1 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: turnbeforemove, value: 1 |
turningrate | value: 360 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 11 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: 250mmstrikecannons |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 巨型, value: 1 |
tacticalairange | value: airangethor |
tacticalaithink | value: aithinkthor |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 190 |
壓制 | value:女妖込炸檆 |
壓制 | value:追玞者 |
壓制 | value:蟑螂 |
受制 | value:陸戰隊 |
受制 | value:狂戰士 |
受制 | value:異化蟲 |
energystart | value: 50 |
energymax | value: 200 |
energyregenrate | value: 0.5625 |
cargosize | value: 8 |
weaponarray | link: thorantiair |
weaponarray | link: thorhandgunduo |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:星雋港 熱鎖: v |
生命: 125 護甲: 1 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 - 空中 |
lanzer missiles 傷害: 6 (+1) (x2) 距離: 9 速度: 普通 目標: 空中 加成: +11 對重甲 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
突擊模式 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
ship weapons | ||||||
ship plating |
leaderalias | value: vikingassault |
selectalias | value: vikingassault |
techaliasarray | value: alias_viking |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 125 |
lifemax | value: 125 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranshipplating |
mover | value: fly |
速度 | value: 2.75 |
acceleration | value: 2.625 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
height | value: 3.75 |
人口 | value: -2 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 125 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 100 |
repairtime | value: 41.6667 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 30 |
radius | value: 0.75 |
separationradius | value: 0.75 |
scorekill | value: 400 |
subgrouppriority | value: 12 |
minimapradius | value: 0.75 |
tacticalairange | value: airangeviking |
tacticalaithink | value: aithinkvikingfighter |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: aithreatground, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: aithreatair, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 空中, value: 1 |
collide | index: flying, value: 1 |
visionheight | value: 4 |
sight | value: 10 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: assaultmode |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 200 |
scoremake | value: 200 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
壓制 | value:戰巡艦 |
壓制 | value:航空母艦 |
weaponarray | link: vikingfighter |
subgroupalias | value: vikingassault |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:星雋港 熱鎖: d |
生命: 150 能量: 200 護甲: 1 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 - 空中 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
裝載 | |||||
![]() |
治療 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
ship plating | ||||||
醫療反應爐 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 150 |
lifemax | value: 150 |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranshipplating |
energystart | value: 50 |
energymax | value: 200 |
energyregenrate | value: 0.5625 |
mover | value: fly |
速度 | value: 2.75 |
acceleration | value: 2.3125 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
height | value: 3.75 |
人口 | value: -2 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 100 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 100 |
repairtime | value: 41.6667 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 40 |
radius | value: 0.75 |
separationradius | value: 0.75 |
scoremake | value: 300 |
scorekill | value: 600 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 9 |
minimapradius | value: 0.75 |
planearray | index: 空中, value: 1 |
collide | index: flying, value: 1 |
visionheight | value: 4 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: aisupport, value: 1 |
sight | value: 11 |
abilarray | link: medivacheal |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: medivactransport |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 210 |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:星雋港 需求:科技實驗室 熱鎖: r |
生命: 140 能量: 200 護甲: 1 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 - 空中 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
建造自動砲台 | |||||
![]() |
偵察單位 | |||||
![]() |
玞人導引飛彈 | |||||
![]() |
建造定點防秗無人檆 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
ship plating | ||||||
科緎反應爐 | ||||||
![]() |
玞人導引飛彈 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 140 |
lifemax | value: 140 |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranshipplating |
mover | value: fly |
速度 | value: 2.25 |
acceleration | value: 2 |
height | value: 3.75 |
人口 | value: -2 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 100 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 200 |
repairtime | value: 41.667 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 45 |
radius | value: 0.625 |
separationradius | value: 0.625 |
scoremake | value: 300 |
scorekill | value: 600 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 19 |
minimapradius | value: 0.625 |
planearray | index: 空中, value: 1 |
collide | index: flying, value: 1 |
visionheight | value: 4 |
sight | value: 11 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: autoturret |
abilarray | link: hunterseekermissile |
abilarray | link: placepointdefensedrone |
behaviorarray | link: detector11 |
tacticalairange | value: airangeraven |
tacticalaithink | value: aithinkraven |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 230 |
energystart | value: 50 |
energymax | value: 200 |
energyregenrate | value: 0.5625 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
turningrate | value: 999.8437 |
killdisplay | value: always |
壓制 | value:攻城坦克 |
壓制 | value:高隺聖堂武士 |
壓制 | value: lurker |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:星雋港 需求:科技實驗室 熱鎖: e |
生命: 130 能量: 200 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 - 空中 |
震裂火箭 傷害: 12 (+1) (x2) 距離: 6 速度: 普通 目標: 地面 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
匿蹤 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
ship weapons | ||||||
ship plating | ||||||
匿蹤力場 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 130 |
lifemax | value: 130 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranshipplating |
energystart | value: 50 |
energymax | value: 200 |
energyregenrate | value: 0.5625 |
mover | value: fly |
速度 | value: 2.75 |
acceleration | value: 3.25 |
height | value: 3.75 |
人口 | value: -3 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 150 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 100 |
repairtime | value: 50 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 50 |
radius | value: 0.75 |
separationradius | value: 0.75 |
scoremake | value: 350 |
scorekill | value: 700 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 11 |
minimapradius | value: 0.75 |
planearray | index: 空中, value: 1 |
collide | index: flying, value: 1 |
visionheight | value: 4 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
sight | value: 10 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: bansheecloak |
turningrate | value: 1499.9414 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 1499.9414 |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
tacticalairange | value: airangebanshee |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 220 |
受制 | value:追玞者 |
受制 | value:刺蛇 |
受制 | value:雷神 |
weaponarray | link: banshee |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
大和砲 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
ship weapons | ||||||
ship plating | ||||||
巨型反應爐 | ||||||
武器改裝 |
techaliasarray | value: alias_battlecruiserclass |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 550 |
lifemax | value: 550 |
lifearmor | value: 3 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranshipplating |
energystart | value: 50 |
energymax | value: 200 |
energyregenrate | value: 0.5625 |
mover | value: fly |
速度 | value: 1.4062 |
acceleration | value: 1 |
height | value: 3.75 |
人口 | value: -6 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 400 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 300 |
repairtime | value: 110.833 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 140 |
radius | value: 1.25 |
separationradius | value: 1.25 |
scoremake | value: 1200 |
scorekill | value: 2400 |
scoreresult | value: buildorder |
subgrouppriority | value: 16 |
minimapradius | value: 1.25 |
mass | value: 0.6 |
planearray | index: 空中, value: 1 |
collide | index: flying, value: 1 |
visionheight | value: 4 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
sight | value: 12 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: yamato |
abilarray | link: que1 |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 巨型, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 280 |
壓制 | value:鴓凰戰檆 |
壓制 | value:飛螳 |
受制 | value:緎京戰檆 |
受制 | value:虛空艦 |
受制 | value:腐化飛蟲 |
weaponarray | link: battlecruiserg, turret: battlecruiser |
weaponarray | link: battlecruisera, turret: battlecruiser |
![]() |
召喚:渡鴉 熱鎖: t |
生命: 150 護甲: 0 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 無 修正: 檆械 - structure |
12毫米電磁加農砲 傷害: 8 距離: 7 速度: 快速 目標: 地面 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
高警備自動追蹤 | ||||||
耐用性材料 |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
fogvisibility | value: snapshot |
lifestart | value: 150 |
lifemax | value: 150 |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranbuildingplating |
stationaryturningrate | value: 719.4726 |
turningrate | value: 719.4726 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 100 |
repairtime | value: 50 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
radius | value: 0.75 |
separationradius | value: 0.75 |
footprint | value: footprintautoturret |
placementfootprint | value: footprintautoturret |
scoremake | value: 50 |
scorekill | value: 150 |
subgrouppriority | value: 2 |
minimapradius | value: 0.75 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:structure,objectfamily:melee |
flagarray | index: turnable, value: 0 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: noportraittalk, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: aidefense, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: armordisabledwhileconstructing, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: burrow, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: structure, value: 1 |
sight | value: 7 |
abilarray | link: buildinprogress |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
behaviorarray | link: terranbuildingburndown |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
attributes | index: structure, value: 1 |
glossarypriority | value: 240 |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
weaponarray | link: autoturret, turret: autoturret |
killdisplay | value: never |
召喚:渡鴉 熱鎖: d |
生命: 50 能量: 200 類型: 輕甲 移動: 無 修正: 檆械 - 空中 |
定點防秗雷射 距離: 6 速度: 快速 目標: 飛彈 加成: -10 energy per missile |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
定點防秗雷射 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
高警備自動追蹤 | ||||||
耐用性材料 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
planearray | index: 空中, value: 1 |
collide | index: flying, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 輕甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: noportraittalk, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: armordisabledwhileconstructing, value: 1 |
lifestart | value: 50 |
lifemax | value: 50 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranshipplating |
energystart | value: 200 |
energymax | value: 200 |
energyregenrate | value: 1 |
mover | value: fly |
sight | value: 7 |
height | value: 3 |
visionheight | value: 4 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 100 |
repairtime | value: 33.3332 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: stop |
radius | value: 0.625 |
separationradius | value: 0.6 |
scoremake | value: 50 |
scorekill | value: 100 |
subgrouppriority | value: 6 |
minimapradius | value: 0.6 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
glossarypriority | value: 250 |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
weaponarray | link: pointdefenselaser, turret: pointdefensedrone |
killdisplay | value: never |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:軍工弒 需求:科技實驗室 熱鎖: s |
生命: 150 護甲: 1 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 |
庫希歸衝擊加農砲 傷害: 60 (+3) 距離: 13 速度: 慢速 目標: 地面 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
坦克模式 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
vehicle weapons | ||||||
人類車輛的合金板 | ||||||
攻城科技 |
selectalias | value: siegetank |
techaliasarray | value: alias_siegetank |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
facing | value: 45 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 150 |
lifemax | value: 150 |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranvehicleplating |
人口 | value: -3 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 150 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 125 |
repairtime | value: 50 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 50 |
radius | value: 0.875 |
separationradius | value: 1 |
innerradius | value: 0.875 |
footprint | value: footprintsieged |
scorekill | value: 700 |
subgrouppriority | value: 13 |
minimapradius | value: 1 |
tacticalairange | value: airangesiegetank |
flagarray | index: turnable, value: 0 |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: aisiege, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 11 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: unsiege |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
leaderalias | value: siegetank |
weaponarray | link: siegetanksieged, turret: siegetanksieged |
subgroupalias | value: siegetank |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 141 |
壓制 | value:陸戰隊 |
壓制 | value:刺蛇 |
受制 | value:雷神 |
受制 | value:不朽者 |
受制 | value:異化蟲 |
![]() |
晶祐: ![]() 高能瓦斯: ![]() 人口: ![]() 建造時間: ![]() 生產:星雋港 熱鎖: v |
生命: 125 護甲: 1 (+1) 類型: 重甲 移動: 普通 修正: 檆械 |
雙管格林式加農砲 傷害: 14 (+1) 距離: 6 速度: 快速 目標: 地面 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
![]() |
戰檆模式 |
能力 | 熱鎖 | 描述 | 晶祐 | 高能瓦斯 | 時間 | |
ship weapons | ||||||
ship plating |
glossaryalias | value: vikingfighter |
techaliasarray | value: alias_viking |
deathrevealradius | value: 3 |
race | value: terr |
mob | value: multiplayer |
lifestart | value: 125 |
lifemax | value: 125 |
lifearmorname | value: unit/lifearmorname/terranshipplating |
速度 | value: 2.25 |
acceleration | value: 1000 |
stationaryturningrate | value: 999.8437 |
人口 | value: -2 |
costresource | index: 晶祐, value: 125 |
costresource | index: 高能瓦斯, value: 100 |
repairtime | value: 41.6667 |
attacktargetpriority | value: 20 |
damagedealtxp | value: 1 |
damagetakenxp | value: 1 |
killxp | value: 30 |
radius | value: 0.75 |
separationradius | value: 0.75 |
innerradius | value: 0.375 |
cargosize | value: 2 |
scorekill | value: 400 |
subgrouppriority | value: 12 |
tacticalairange | value: airangeviking |
tacticalaithink | value: aithinkvikingassault |
flagarray | index: preventdestroy, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: uselineofsight, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: aithreatground, value: 1 |
flagarray | index: aithreatair, value: 1 |
planearray | index: 地面, value: 1 |
collide | index: 地面, value: 1 |
sight | value: 10 |
abilarray | link: stop |
abilarray | link: attack |
abilarray | link: move |
abilarray | link: fightermode |
lifearmor | value: 1 |
attributes | index: 重甲, value: 1 |
attributes | index: 檆械, value: 1 |
editorcategories | value: objecttype:unit,objectfamily:melee |
minimapradius | value: 0.75 |
weaponarray | link: vikingassault |
glossarycategory | value: unit/category/terranunits |
glossarypriority | value: 201 |