
《多米尼克的梦境之谜》Chapter 2英文攻略

作者: 佚名 2013-07-02 14:08

Dominic Crane的梦中总是重复出现某个地点,但他从未真正到达过。Dominic不知这一切如何解释,他需要通过催眠来寻找答案。在《多米尼克的梦境之谜》这款隐藏冒险解谜游戏中,你将经历一次难以想象的旅程。穿过怪诞的世界,航行于充满谜团的迷宫,去揭开神秘梦境背后的意义。

Chapter 2

Click on the lady and she tells you that she needs to find her key.Click in the back of the scene to trigger a Hidden Object Scene.Pick up the CROWBAR on the left.Exit out of that scene and go LEFT.

Place the CROWBAR on the LOCK on the gate and go through there to enter a Hidden Object Scene.Pick up the PICTURE PIECE in the upper left corner.Exit out of that scene.Place the PICTURE PIECE in the picture on the left side of the gate and click on the picture to trigger a puzzle.Puzzle

Assemble the puzzle by placing the correct pieces of the painting in place.Pick up the puzzle piece and right-click it to rotate it.Left-click on a piece to put it in place.Please look at the screenshot for the solution.Pick up the SCUBA GEAR that appears on the wall after the puzzle has been solved.Go LEFT to enter a Hidden Object Scene.

Pick up the items on the list.The BELT is in the far left side.Go RIGHT 2 Times.

Click on the water for a closer look.Place the BELT on the ALLIGATOR on the right.Place the SCUBA GEAR into the water to trigger a puzzle.Slider PuzzleYour goal is to slide the ring out of the box by sliding the stones out of the way.The stones can only slide in the direction they are facing. Click on the edges of the stones to slide them.You have to beat 3 stages of this game.Stage 1 Solution

Move the stones in this order, follow the directions of the arrows:



Stage 2 Solution

Please move the stones in the following order:

Purple Left

Yellow Right

Red Up

White Right

Blue Up

Green Left

White Left

Red Down

Yellow to Exit

Stage 3 Solution

Please move the stones in the following order:

Yellow Right

Red Right

White Up

Green Left

Yellow Left

Orange Up

Blue Left

Light Blue Left

Orange Down

Purple Down

Yellow to Exit

Pick up the RING on the left side of the water and exit out of that view.

Give the RING to the lady by the water.Take the KEY from her hand.Go left and go through the gate.

Place the KEY in the LOCKED BOX in the lower left to trigger a puzzle.Your goal is to guess the right symbol sequence by glancing at the first 2 locked slots on the box.Click on the slots to change the symbols.Please look at the screenshot for the solution.Pick up the SECOND KEY inside the box after the puzzle has been solved.

上一篇 : 《德军总部》 ...

下一篇 : 《地下城守护 ...

