- SerB doesn’t consider it a problem that with the gun accuracy buff, several heaily armored vehicles (T95, Tortoise) get critted more often
- SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory”
SerB说他不喜欢任何的玩家评级方式,胜率才是衡量玩家的标准:因为伤害、侦查、命中率等等,最后都是为了一个目的 - 胜利
- in WoWp, good players win much more often than in WoT, bad players lose more often too.
- reload timer in seconds: when it’s done it’s done (SS: most likely 8.9)
- Q: “A lot of battles end with 0-15 results for me, will this change in the future?” A: “It will, when you stop screwing up.”
我经常遇到 0-15 的战斗结果,以后会有变化吗?肯定会的,只要你不挂机,不坑队友就可以了。
- support service won’t refund you credits, if you sell a tank by accident (“kindergarten for players is over”)
- the twin-linked 122mm ST-I won’t be implemented for now, it’s just an idea
双管 122炮的 ST1暂时不会加入游戏,这还只是一个美好的想法。
- Q: “Will you fix the game lags with Telia.net?” A:”Unfortunately, we haen’t bought Telia yet”
- some Soviet vehicles (T-70, SU-76) had two engines, linked together. SerB states that if one was knocked out, the vehicle couldn’t move, the other was blocked too.
- SerB won’t participate in streams: “no time for that, sorry”
- manual selection of “important achievements” (for first page of Service Record) is not planned
- in 9.0, the graphics improvement will start by implementing new lighting filters
- apparently the principle on how gold consumables work won’t be reworked (SS: as in, they being useable more than once for example)
- there won’t be a possibility to put the flags/inscriptions wherever you want
- SerB states there is a protection from bogus complaints in the complaint system in game
SerB 指出游戏里的虚假投诉都有防护机制的。
- if you hae two accounts on one computer with Windows, you can sae both accounts’ different settings by logging to each account under a different Windows user