

作者: 米虫 2014-01-13 15:26

- the reason the U-8TS gun (that the tier 10 Soviet meds have) has various characteristics on various tanks is caused by different turrets, different ergonomics and different equipment, it’s completely realistic for one gun to give different performance on different tanks

U-8TS 炮(S系10级中坦的)在不同车辆上有各种各样的参数,原因是不同的炮塔,不同的人体工程学和不同的装备造成的,这完全符合一种炮在不同车辆上性能不同的事实

- apparently implementing the amount of crew XP recieved in post-battle statisics doesn’t have high priority


- apprently both the T110E3 and T110E4 will be nerfed (SS: if I understand it correctly), currently T110E3 has a bit better winrate than T110E4

T110E3 和 T110E4 将会削弱(SS:如果我理解正确),现在的T110E3胜率比T110E4有一点高

- it seems that SerB is not exactly agreeing with the implementation of the option to disable the battle chat

SerB 并不太赞把成禁用战斗聊天功能引入到游戏里

- the fact that the 155mm T7 (US gun) has better penetration in game than the 120mm T53 is not historical (SS: it was vice versa, in fact the 155mm could only fire HE shells IIRC), it is a game balance decision

M系155mm T7 炮在游戏里穿深比120mm T53炮好是不符合历史的(事实上155炮只有HE弹),这是游戏平衡上的决定

- it’s not yet sure that there will be improved destruction model of trees (SS: breaking, splintering), but it’s possible


- it’s possible that the models of grass and bushes will also be improved so that they get crushed once the tanks roll over them


- apparently, different types of shells will destroy buildings differently


- the time before the “tracks” your tank leaves on the ground disappear will be seriously increased, but they will still disappear (won’t stay forever)


- it’s possible there will be some significant optimization in the game for those, who play on maximum settings


- IS-3 hull will be remodelled


- for now, all the patches (updates) will be downloaded altogether: at least in the beginning there will not be separate “HD” patches and separate “normal” patches


- according to Storm, disabling the camera “waving” in sniper mode (“dynamic camera”) does not give you any significant combat advantage


- Storm (and other developers) believes that the D-25, D-10, S-70, M-62 and M-64 Soviet guns are implemented correctly (penetration-wise): he argues that there are many various penetration tables for those guns and some differ significantly from each other

Storm 和其他的开发人员相信D-25, D-10, S-70, M-62 and M-64 这些苏系炮的引入是正确的(穿深角度):他辩称那些炮都有许多各种不同的穿深表格,而且其中一些彼此间有显著差异。

- Veider on hardware (graphic card) upgrade: “I also started on 7600GT, then 9800, then GTS250, GTX460, GTX550, GTX580, now I have GT770. If you like to play, you have to like also switching graphic cards :)”

Veider 有关硬件(显卡)的升级:我开始的时候用7600GT,然后9800,之后GTS250, GTX460, GTX550, GTX580,现在我用GTX770。如果你喜欢玩游戏,不得不像我一样也要换张显卡。

- Veider does not know exactly whether GTX770 will be able to run the HD client on top settings: “I hope it will”

Veider 也不能确定是否GTX770就能运行高清客户端的最高画质:我希望能

- apparently the developers tested allowing players to create their own maps, the results of this were unplayable


- apparently the premium tanks, that are not in the ingame shop anymore (KV-5, Type 59) do not display correctly on your Depot screen, it’s a bug and it will be fixed in 8.11

那些不再商店里的金币车(KV-5, Type 59) 没有在仓库界面正确显示,这是个bug,会在8.11修复

- according to Overlord, WoTB will enter open beta stage soon






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