

作者: 米虫 2014-04-10 16:52


Posted on April 9, 2014bySilentstalker — 131 Comments ↓

- various “which tank is the most popular” polls hve no influence on tank balancing


- Q: “Will the rework of tanks to HD models be made based on historical battles or popularity amongst players” A: “One does not interfere with the other”


- apparently, more things (such as destroyed tank models) are not scheduled to be pre-loaded into memory during map loading, because it would pointlessly clog the computer’s memory, while the “microfreezes” (when a tank gets destroyed, the game lags a bit loading the destroyed model) are bearable


- ingame accuracy of a gun does not influence the chance of the shell to fly towards the aim circle center


- accuracy ONLY influences the size of the aim circle, that means that for example a gun with 0.36 acc and another at 0.46 acc, if the aim circle of both guns is of the same size (SS: when for example the first gun moves with the turret), the chances to hit for both guns are the same


- 25 percent penetration RNG will NOT be replaced by lower number, because a) it reflects real life randomness better than say 5 percent and b) in such a case, well-armored tanks would be too difficult to deal with


- Storm mentioned that some least popular maps could be removed altogether from the game, Windstorm will not be amongst them

Storm 之前说的一些不受欢迎地图会被移除,飓风小镇不再此列。

- league system for random battles will not be introduced


- gold ammo for credits will not be removed


- developers are slowly starting to deal with tier 2-5 balance (SS: goodbye, sweet T18)


- retraining crews to different roles (SS: as in, radiomen to drivers for example) will come, “it’s done when it’s done”

车组成员转职功能会有的 “it’s done when it’s done”

- apparently, Storm thinks that after the introduction of the new modes, noone will play companies anymore

Storm 认为在引入新的模式后,联队模式将不会有人去玩了

- 2014 will bring 3 new tier 8 medium premiums (SS: we’ll see :) )

2014 将会有3台8级金币中坦

- An option to re-buy once bought premium tanks for credits? Storm: “We’ll hve to think about that”

一个可以用银币买回以前买过的金币车选项? Storm: “我们会考虑的“

- the plans for new game modes, unveiled in today’s video, apply for this year


- it’s not planned to implement the option to select, which HD content you want and which you don’t


- the feature to get your unique/reward/premium tanks back is tested on US server, it will be vailable on RU, EU and ASIA as well


Storm: “Arty will hae to be nerfed again soon.” Link

Storm: “火炮将会很快再一次被削弱”

Глобалище хотелки

Всем привет.

Месяц назад был очередной сбор мнений "что вам больше всего не нравится в танках".

А теперь хотелось бы поговорить о другом - чего глобально хочется?

Ну там "жить не могу без карт 1000х1000х1000км и без женских экипажей" и подобное. Но, желательно, без мелочей.

Очень желательно говорить не о проблемах (чтобы не дублироваться с предыдущей темой), а именно о новых вещах.

Заранее спасибо за ваши отзывы.

9.0 Release Date

Posted on April 9, 2014 by Silentstalker — 41 Comments ↓

Hello everyone,

Patch 9.0 is getting released on 15.4.2014 (next Tuesday). This has been confirmed by Wargaming.

Patch 9.0将会在15.4.2014发布(下周四)。已被WG确认——外服,非天朝

- fortifications – basically, clan bases with various bonuses, that give various bonuses (for example credits, XP, free XP) to the clan:

- 要塞模式——总的来说,军团基地就是带有各种加成,比如银币、经验、全局经验


- there will be a possibility to fight over clan bases, this will be independent on CW’s


- features in this mode: airstrike, recon, mines, AI pillboxes (acting like artillery apparently)

-这种模式的特点: 空袭、 侦察、 地雷、 AI 碉堡 (像火炮)

- historical battles – uneven team numbers, special characteristics for HB tanks (different from the tanks of the same configuration in random battles!), hevies will hae less HP, respawn model (hevies don’t respawn, lowtier meds do)


- garage battle mode is coming by the end of the year


- team battle mode will be improved (team names, special awards)


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