

作者: 米虫 2014-06-07 14:49


Posted on June 6, 2014 by Silentstalker — 40 Comments ↓

- Storm states that the announced accuracy adjustment does not mean that the “old” accuracy that got changed practically a year ago will return

Storm 表示他们宣称的精度调整并不是说一年前更改的“旧”精度会返回。

- the sniper mode FPS drop fix in 9.1 will work with both the old and new render


- developers considered in medium or long term perspective adding new content for tier 10


- Storm confirms that the nerfs, originally announced for 9.1, will come

Storm 证实最初宣布的9.1中要削弱的(车辆)将会来到

- Storm on rebalance of vehicles: “There will be a lot of various rebalances. Not just TDs.”


Straight Outta Supertest: Turrets

Posted on June 6, 2014 by Silentstalker — 45 Comments ↓

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

as you probably know, the new Stronkhold mode is coming. A part of it are NPC defensive buildings – turrets, controlled by bots, that protect your base from enemy assault. The turrets will allegedly be constructed as buildings in Stronkhold mode. They are allegedly going to appear as team members, so in the end, a team can ha ve 16 or 17 players in the team like that.



This is an E-100 turret, with 10k hitpoints, allegedly it’s possible there will be other tank turrets used this way as well.

这是 E-100的炮塔,1万的血量,有可能还会有其它坦克的炮塔这样使用。

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