

作者: 米虫 2014-06-12 15:04


Posted on June 10, 2014 by Silentstalker — 42 Comments ↓

- Storm confirms that the Balaton HB was removed in 9.1 after all

Storm 证实巴拉顿历史战在9.1被移除了。

- Panzer IV Ausf.H – this vehicle was being manufactured from 1943, yet it appears in 1942 historical battle Bryansk – Storm states this is because Ausf.D would be too weak and there is no separate Ausf.G in the game.

4号H型 --- 这车制造于1943年,然而它却出现在了1942年的布良克斯战役中——Storm表示这是由于4号D型太弱的缘故,并且游戏里没有单独的G型。

- Storm states that alternative hulls are necessary (SS: because of HB so there is an Ausf.G hull)

Storm 表示可选车体是必要的(SS:因为历史战需要一个G型车体)

- apparently, 9.1 has some issues with quitting the battle to the hangar, the game gets somehow stuck – Storm states that this is connected to the high traffic, where the game sends a large packet of data with game results and the packet sometimes doesn’t get through properly


- apparently the bug with ultra-long map load times appeared again. Storm: “We didn’t do anything with map loading”

地图载入时间超长的bug又出现了。Storm: “我们在地图载入上啥也没做“

- Storm states that the situation with “moving corpses” is very complicated, the bug was not fixed in 100 percent of cases

Storm 表示尸体移动这个情况是相当复杂的,这个bug并没有百分之百的得到修复。

- disabling the UI in battle improves FPS by a lot and removes some lags? Storm: “I wrote this before. There can’t be a non-resource-requiring interface. For its drawing and calculations there will always be resources needed.”

在战斗中关闭界面会极大的提升帧数并且部分卡顿的情况消失?Storm: “我之前说过,不存在非资源需求的界面(不消耗系统资源的界面),为了绘图和计算,总是需要一些资源。

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