


  • 语言:英文
  • 大小:95.8 MB
  • 时间:2013-07-03


- Three new intrigue options, giving the player more opportunities to interact with their characters in their own country and in foreign states. - Barbarians are now a bigger threat. In addition to appearing from the borders of the map, they can now create their own kingdoms.
- Improved event interface clearly displaying which characters are involved in the different events. 
- 3 new playable factions on the British Isles: Catuvellauni, Pictii and Siluri.
- AI improvements ensuring challenging gameplay in the long term.

上一个 : 《模拟人生2:厨房与浴室内部设计》免CD补丁V1.0

下一个 : 《超级房车赛:起点》免CDV1.2
