


  • 语言:英文
  • 大小:234.8 MB
  • 时间:2015-08-09








Current Version: v195.1
* Alpha predators no longer damage metal structures, only stone structures as intended.
* Can no longer pick up Alpha Raptors using flyers.
* Alpha predators now consume corpses properly.
* Alpha predators attacks no longer damage riders directly. (now is consistent with regular dino attacks)

* Fixed the networking of new-character configuration to the server. Alas this required a new Major version update as it is a networking signature change :-P

Note: You will need to re-search for your Favorite/My Survivors Official Servers once! (the IP addresses have changed due to Server Relocation)
* Moving most servers to new faster host! Better official server framerates, woot!
* Activating the Flare Gun when riding a Dino will now automatically shoot the Flare upwards
* Your selected Survivor Spawn Region is now remembered when reconnecting your client
* Server Admins can now disable Taming on a per-Dino basis via their config
* PvE server admins can now enable building in Caves via their config
* Gendered Tamed Dinos will only drop Eggs if Mate-Boosted now, and only Female Dinos lay eggs now ;)
* Alpha predators now give 4x the regular amount of resources and nothing but prime meat!
* Added Alpha versions of Carnotaurus and Utahraptor -- they buff less than the Alpha Rex, however.
* Fix for one last case of possibly erroneously entering Spectator mode
* Picking up your own Tamed Dinos’ eggs no longer aggros Wild Dinos of that species ;)
* Titanboa now has damage overlay
* Sarco tail has proper IK again
* Barricades (Metal and Wooden) can now be painted
* You can now eat/drink when caught in a Bear Trap
* Can no longer ride a dino that is snared in a Bear Trap... gotta free it first.
* You can no longer mount a dino if you’re snared in a Bear Trap
* Harvested resources now properly respawn in singleplayer/non-dedicated host!
* Alpha Dinos now damage stone structures

New Server’s "GameUserSettings.ini" values:
//to allow building in caves

And in Server’s "Game.ini", to prevent Taming of specific Dino’s:
//etc etc -- all dino classnames are in the ARK Dev Kit, maybe someone can put them on the ARK Wiki ;)

By 3DM

上一个 : 《王八炸弹》v1.3.6升级档+破解补丁[ALiAS]

下一个 : 《DNF》元素点燃修改水晶球补丁
