


  • 语言:中文
  • 大小:404 KB
  • 时间:2016-09-22



WARNING: This is not full crack, but semi-working one! Read the notes below!

First case: You can use this crack if you have the game family shared from somone. The crack overrides the "kick" time when someone else is playing the same shared library. Follow these instructions:

1. Start your family shared game at least once in online mode! [IMPORTANT]

2. Put the crack in your game folder!

3. Start Steam in offline mode!

4. Start the game from the executable file and enjoy the game and its DLCs!

Second case: You have the legit game, but you didn’t purchase season pass or any DLCs. Put the crack into your game folder, get the DLC pack and enjoy all DLCs!


上一个 : 《三国志13》新武将名字修改器v2.0

下一个 : 《古墓丽影:崛起》五项属性修改器v1.0[MrAntiFun]
