

作者: 佚名 2013-01-10 17:56

resiststun 抗眩晕
of insolence 傲慢之

resistroot 抗缠绕
of the sergeant 中士之

resistfreeze 抗冰冻
of melting  融化之

holy damage 神圣伤害
of the angels 天使之
of devotion 奉献之
of humility 人性之
of miting 重击之
of grace 恩赐之
of sanctity 圣洁之
of the hevens 天界之

attack 攻击
of the lion 狮子之
of invasion 侵袭之
of the warlord 军阀之
of assault 突袭之
of strife 冲突之
of war 战争之
of death 死神之

precision 精准
of the hawk 雄鹰之
of accuracy 准确之
of insight 洞察之
of harm 损害之
of cruelty 残忍之
of precision 精准之
of pain 疼痛之
of cleang 劈裂之
of pain evisceration 开膛之
of torment obliteration 虐杀之

defence 防御
of the sentry paranoia 戒备森严之
of the sentry 警卫之
of evasion 闪避之
of the wary 机警之
of protection 保护之
of the aegis 圣盾之

witchdoctor damage 巫医伤害
of bile 胆液之
of the headhunter 猎头者之
of the dead 死人之
of the damned 诅咒之
of the underworld 尘世之

wizard damage 巫师伤害
of the owl 枭之
of the moon 月之
of the mind 精神之
of miama 瘴气之
of the stars 星之
of annihilation 摧毁之
of infinity 无尽之

max discipline 戒律值上限
of the wolf 狼之
of clarity 清晰之
of certainty 明确之
of lucidity 清醒之

sprit regeneration 内力恢复
of the tiger 虎之
of renewal 复苏之
of the awakening 觉醒之
of the temple 寺庙之
of rebirth bliss 福佑重生之
of rebirth paradise 乐园重生之
of rebirth harmony 和谐重生之
of awakening counsciousness 茅塞顿开之
of awakening revalation 启示征兆之
of awakening illumination 灵机一动之
of enlightment 启迪之

hatred regeneration 憎恨值恢复
of spite  刁难之
of revenge 复仇之
of retribution 惩戒之
of bitterness 怨恨之

maximum arcane power 奥术能量最大值
of memory 回忆之
of power 力量之
of madness 疯狂之
of the alchemist 炼金师之
of supermacy 霸权之
of insanity 偏执之
of the cosos 宇宙之

max mana 最大法力值
of the cat 猫之
of visions 幻觉之
of moxie 勇气之
of occult 神秘学之
of intuition 本能之
of ruin 废墟之
of mortification 禁欲之
of decay 衰变之
of insight 洞察之
of omens 征兆之
of lost soul 迷途的灵魂之
of the source 起源之

max fury最大怒气值
of the mountain 山之
of malice 预谋之
of wrath 愤怒之
of revolt 反叛之
of mutiny 暴乱之
of rage 怒火之
of turmoil 骚动之
of recklessness 鲁莽之
of ferocity 凶残之

spirt heals 内力治疗
of the monkey 猿猴之
of revelation 真相之
of harmony 和谐之
of the exalted 兴奋之
of emptiness 空虚之

fury heals 怒气治疗
of the badger intense 惊獾之
of the badger 獾之
of haoc 浩劫之
of the badger primitive 古獾之
of ire 忿怒之
of malevolence 狠毒之

gold pick-up radius 金币拾取半径
of gathering 收集之
of greed 贪婪之
of miser 吝啬鬼之
of aarice 守财奴之

req 要求(?)
of the squire 侍从之
of courage 勇敢之
of daring 勇者之
of braery 勇气之
of valor 勇猛之

arcane power on critical 暴击后回复奥术能量
of the warlock 术士之
of prodigy 奇才之
of augury 占卜之
of the magnus 占星师之

mana regeneration 法力回复
of the origin 原生之
of the flood 洪水之
of the well spring 甘泉之
of the replenishment 灌溉之
of umbrage 树荫之
of genesis 天才之


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