

作者: 佚名 2013-07-09 14:04

Dominic Crane的梦中总是重复出现某个地点,但他从未真正到达过。Dominic不知这一切如何解释,他需要通过催眠来寻找答案。在《多米尼克的梦境之谜》这款隐藏冒险解谜游戏中,你将经历一次难以想象的旅程。穿过怪诞的世界,航行于充满谜团的迷宫,去揭开神秘梦境背后的意义。

Chapter 1

Click on the left edge of the scene to enter the next area.Click on the LIGHT SWITCH in the upper left to turn on the lights and trigger a Hidden Object Scene.Find all the items on the list.The KEYS are in the lower center and will be added to inventory.The HAMMER is on the left edge of the scene.Go to the right.

Crack the BLUE VASE with the HAMMER and pick up the PEWTER ANGEL inside.Use the KEYS on the door on the right to trigger a puzzle.Key Puzzle

Place the 2 correct keys in the lock.The second key belongs in the lower keyhole.The last key belongs in the first keyhole.Go through the door.

Place the PEWTER ANGEL on the dragon.Click on the LIGHT SWITCH in the upper left to trigger a puzzle.Drag the circles around until they form the image shown on the screenshot.When you return to the room the lights are off and the dragon is asleep. Pick up the DUCT TAPPE from the dragon.Go back to the previous scene by clicking on the left door.

Click on the table for a closer look.Place the DUCT TAPE on the WIRES in the upper left to turn on the lights and trigger a Hidden Object Scene.The DOORKNOB is inside the drawer.Click on the Red “X” Button in the upper right to exit out of that scene.Go back to the Dragon’s Room.Place the DOORKNOB on the door on the right.Go through the door to enter a Hidden Object Scene.

Find all the items in the scene.The SCISSORS are in the lower left.Click on the large painting in the upper right to trigger a puzzle after your search has been completed.Puzzle

Assemble the puzzle by swapping the tiles into their correct positions.Click on any 2 tiles to swap their positions.Please look at the screenshot for the solution.A SAFE appears behind the painting. You must find the code to solve it.Go through 2 LEFT DOORS and then click on the left edge of the scene.

Cut the SOFA PILLOW with the SCISSORS.The CODE 572 appears in the pillow.Go right and then go through the next 2 RIGHT DOORS to return back to the room with the safe.

Click on the safe for a closer look.Use the code “572” found in the previous room to solve this puzzle.Change the numbers on top from left to right to “572”.Now you have to find the items that have the same amount of items as the numbers above them.From left to right change the dials to:”STARFISH, RAINBOW & YIN-YANG”.Click on the Red “Go” Button in the upper right to enter your selections.Pick up the KEY inside the safe.

Go through 2 LEFT DOORS and click on the table for a closer look.Use the KEY to open the drawer on the left.Pick up the FIRST KEY inside the drawer to end the chapter.

上一篇 : 《侠客游4》 ...

下一篇 : 《模拟人生: ...

