根据信息提示,回到兄弟会的基地the citadel和lyons长老对话,开始take it back任务,再次和自由金刚(liberty prime)一起冲向jefferson memorial,细心的玩家会发现enclave队伍里多了一种比较强的新敌人,不过战斗强度很低,第一自由金刚无敌,第二有很多兄弟会成员帮忙,所谓的战斗只是抢夺经验值而已。
"communism is a lie."
"death is a preferable alternative to communism."
"communism is the very definition of failure."
"chairman cheng will fail...china will fall!"
"voice module online... audio functionality test... initialized. designation: liberty prime. mission: the liberation of anchorage, alaska. primary targets: any and all red chinese invaders. emergency communist acquisition directive: immediate self-destruct. better dead than red!!"
"freedom... is the sovereign right of every american."
"embrace democracy, or you will be eradicated."
"democracy is non-negotiable."
"engaging red chinese aggressors."
"anchorage will be liberated."
"commencing tactical assessment: red chinese threat detected."
"communists detected on american soil. lethal force engaged."
"communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom."
"obstruction detected. composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. probability of mission hindrance... zero percent!!"
"initiating directive #7395: destroy all communists!"
"the last domino falls here!"
"democracy is truth! communism is death!"
"red chinese victory: impossible!"
"america will never fall to communist invasion!"
"alaska's liberation is imminent!"
"obstruction detected. composition: titanium alloy supplemented by enhanced photonic resonance barrier. established stratagem inadequate! revised stratagem: initiate photonic resonance overcharge."
"scanning defenses... exploiting!"
"warning: orbital strike imminent! all personnel reach minimum safe distance - immediately!"
"i die so that democracy may live on!"
一路杀到jefferson memorial里面,把autumn将军干掉(或者你口才好,可以说服他回家种田),进入project purity密室之前存个档,如果这里有和笔者一样选择fawkes作为伙伴的朋友可以有搞笑结局(这个结局是有了broken steel以后才会有的):和fawkes对话说服它进入密室帮你启动机器,最后结局对白会改变: ……..但是,这孩子最后拒绝了追随父亲无私的脚步,没有选择牺牲自己,而把一位真正的英雄(这个时候画面闪现fawkes的各种英姿)送入充满致命辐射的房间启动project purity…………..
或者还是自己进入,想干坏事的先把病毒注入主机,数字键盘输入密码216(老爹最喜欢的圣经章节和段),挂掉(后来证实是晕倒),结局旁白结束后在the citadel醒来。
lyons长老十分关心你的生死,两个星期以来每天探望。和他对话以后发现他的女儿sarah依然在昏迷当中,不过长老认为enclave现在大势已去,是一举把他们消灭的好时机,并且把主角定义为兄弟会的一员,方便完成任务(老头真够阴的….),完了以后会完成任务take it back,给的经验值很多,主角应该会升一级。