

作者: 佚名 2013-01-23 19:24

- gems: marriage makers (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- generator: 在 安全屋 进行 case 6-4

- giant die: royal flush plaza 1楼 "flaming craps" 桌

- giant pink chainsaw: 在打败 r和y in "here comes the groom"后

- giant stuffed bull: children’s castle (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- giant stuffed donkey: sall fry duds (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- giant stuffed elephant: stylin’ toddlers (royal flush plaza 1楼)

giant stuffed rabbit: american casino (平台上
-    ) royal flush plaza 2楼 平台上

- gift shop lamp: astonishing illusions (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- goblin mask: children’s castle (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- golf club: sportrance (royal flush plaza  1楼)

- grenade: high-noon shooting range (palisades mall 1楼)

- gumball machine: children’s castle (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- handbag: 所有地面上; women stores (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- handgun: high-noon shooting range (palisades mall 1楼) 游戏里有很多

- hanger: clothing stores; sportrance (royal flush plaza 1楼) 衣架

- high back oak chair: 有很多. (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- hockey stick: kokonutz sports town (palisades mall 1楼)

- hunk of meat: 炸碎僵尸后获得; 合成室 在
fortune park 南面

- indoor garbage can: 有很多 royal flush plaza

- katana sword: 杀了psychopaths in case 4-1

- keg:酒吧附近在 美食街

- ketchup: 美食街

- keyboard: 监控室 保安室 和 vault 附近

- lamp: 在有桌子的地方 fortune city hotel

- lance: hamburger fiefdom (美食街)

- large barrel: 在 wild west grill house外面 (美食街)

- large fern tree: (royal flush plaza: 拉霸在casino 入口附近)

- large planter: 有很多在商场(royal flush plaza; palisades mall)

- large potted plant: 有很多在商场(royal flush plaza; palisades mall)

- large vase: 油画店 (palisades mall 1楼)

- large wrench: south plaza

- lawn dart: 在 grassy areas of royal flush plaza

- lawnmower: fortune park 合成室 有存档的地方
- lcd monitor: 监控室 保安室 和 modern stores

- lead pipe: south plaza

- leaf blower: slot ranch casino (后台)

- leaf rake: grassy areas in fortune park 合成室 有存档点那里

- liberty torch: slot ranch casino’s stage

- lizard mask: americana casino (bennie jack’s bbq shack)

- lmg: yucatan casino (赢 "luck marble" mini game)

- long stick: fortune city hotel (vases of bamboo 在 lobby)

- machete: shank’s (palisades mall 1楼)

- magician sword: 杀掉 the psychopaths 进行 "deadliest trick" 支线任务

- mailbox: 在 silver 和 platinum strip

- mannequin female: 衣店 和 sportrance

- mannequin male: 衣店 和 sportrance

- massager: hot excitorama (silver strip)

- mayonnaise: chris’s fine foods (palisades mall 1楼)

- meat cleaer: shanks (palisades mall 1楼)

- medicine ball: flexin’ (palisades mall 1楼)

- merc assault rifle: casino 监控室 保安室; 杀了tk保安后掉落

- metal barricade: south plaza

- metal baseball bat: the man’s sport (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- metal garbage can: 有很多

- mic st和: silver strip (stage area)

- military case: 地铁; fortune city hotel 顶

- mining pick: wild west grill house (美食街)

- mma gloves: the man’s sport (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- money case: fortune city hotel 顶

- moose head: 美食街 (信息亭的顶上)

- motor oil: maintenance halls; 地铁

- music discs: players (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- mustard: 美食街

- newspaper box: outside on the silver strip 和 inside (royal flush plaza)

- night stick: 监控室 保安室; dropped by zombie guards

- novelty beer mug: juggz bar & grill (platinum strip)

- novelty cell phone: rush wireless (royal flush plaza 1楼)

- novelty liquor bottle: leigh’s fine liquor (palisades mall 1楼)

- novelty poker chip: 货物桶 (silver strip)

- padded blue chair: atlantica casino (魔术表演舞台)

- paddle: palisades mall (中央的石窟)

- paint can: hat store 从安全屋的大门出来

- painting: the 油画店 (palisades mall 1楼)

- pallet: south plaza; back alleys 和 rooftops

- pan: 美食街 (in kitchens)

- parasol: 顶部 palisades mall’s ceral grotto

- patio chair: 美食街 (restaurant patios)

- patio 桌: 美食街 (restaurant patios)

- peace art: the 油画店 (palisades mall 1楼)

- pitch fork: wild west grill house (美食街)

- plastic bin: back alleys 在 silver strip

- plastic garbage can: silver strip 后街

- plates: 美食街 (在 烤鸡店)

- playing cards: casino’s靠近 桌上游戏

- plywood: rooftops; south plaza 和 地铁


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