blood packs | 血袋 | 不定 |
bobbleheads | 摇头娃娃 | 20组 |
fat men | 胖子火箭筒 | 9具 |
fat man mini-nukes | 胖子迷你核弹 | 71颗 |
fire ant nectar | 火蚁露 | 不定 |
holotags: the brotherhood of steel | 全息项带:钢铁兄弟会 | 不定 |
holotapes: the replicated man | 全息像带:复制人 | 19卷 |
nuka-cola quantums | 量子可乐 | 94瓶 |
schematics: custom weapon | 制作蓝图:自制武器 | 23卷 |
scribe pre-war books | 战前图书 | 98册 |
skill books | 技能书 | 324册* |
sugar bombs | 炸弹糖 | 不定 |
sheet music books | 乐谱册 | 5份 |
unique weapons and items | 独特武器和物品 | 89具 |
属性、技能名称 | 头部加成 | 护甲加成 |
力量/strength | +0 | +2 |
洞察/perception | +1 | +1 |
耐力/endurance | +0 | +1 |
魅力/charisma | +1 | +1 |
智力/intelligence | +1 | +0 |
敏捷/agility | +1 | +1 |
运气/luck | +1 | +1 |
动作点数/ap | +25 | +5 |
交易技能/barter | +5 | +0 |
大型枪械/big guns | +5 | +5 |
能量武器/energy weapons | +5 | +10 |
爆破技能/explosives | +5 | +0 |
开锁技能/lockpick | +0 | +5 |
医疗技能/medicine | +5 | +10 |
近战武器/melee weapons | +5 | +5 |
修理技能/repair | +0 | +5 |
科学知识/science | +0 | +10 |
小型枪械/small guns | +0 | +10 |
潜行技能/sneak | +10 | +5 |
交谈技能/speech | +10 | +10 |
空手搏击/unarmed | +5 | +0 |
part 6、成就
xbox 360版的特色—成就系统,下面列出fallout 3所有50个成就:
1. vault 101 citizenship award : 10,取得pip-boy 3000
2. the goat whisperer: 10,进行goat
3. escape!: 20,完成主线任务
4 . following in his footsteps: 20,完成主线任务
5. galaxy news radio: 20,完成主线任务
6. scientific pursuits : 20,完成主线任务
7. tranquility lane: 20,完成主线任务
8. the water of life: 20,完成主线任务
9 . picking up the trail: 20,完成主线任务
10. rescue from paradise: 20,完成主线任务
11. finding the garden eden: 20,完成主线任务
12. the american dream: 20,完成主线任务
13. take it back!: 40,完成主线任务< br>14. big trouble in big town: 20,完成旁线任务
15. the superhuman gambit: 20,完成旁线任务
16. the wasteland survival guide: 20,完成旁线任务
17. those!: 20,完成旁线任务
18. the nuka-cola challenge: 20,完成旁线任务
19. head of state: 20,完成旁线任务
20. the replicated man: 20,完成旁线任务
21. blood ties: 20,完成旁线任务
22. oasis: 20,完成旁线任务
23. the power of atom: 20,完成旁线任务
24. tenpenny tower: 20,完成旁线任务
25. strictly business: 20,完成旁线任务
26. you gotta shoot 'em in the head: 20,完成旁线任务
27. stealing independence: 20,完成旁线任务
28. trouble on the homefront: 20,完成旁线任务
29. agatha's song: 20,完成旁线任务
30. reilly's rangers: 20,完成旁线任务
31. reaver:达到等级8时为“bad karma”
32. mercenary:达到等级8时为“ neutral karma”
33. protector:达到等级8时为“good karma”
34. harbringer of war:达到等级14时为“bad karma”< br>35. pinnacle of survival:达到等级14时为“neutral karma”
36. ambassador of peace:达到等级14时为“good karma”
37. scourge of humanity:达到等级20时为“bad karma”
38. paradigm of humanity:达到等级20时为“neutral karma”
39. last, best of humanity:达到等级20时为“good karma”
40. weaponsmith:完成每样自制武器各一件
41. doesn't play well with others:杀300个人,任何“人”都算
42. slayer of beasts:杀300个动物,还包含变种人, eyebots,机枪座
43. silver-tongued devil:通过“交谈”技能检定50次
44. data miner:成功破解电脑50次
45. keys are for cowards:开锁成功50次
46. one-man scouting party:发现100个地点
47. psychotic prankster:行窃时偷偷塞入手榴弹或地雷
48. the bigger they are…:杀死所有的巨兽级变种人
49. yes, i play with dolls :收集10个摇头娃娃
50. vault-tec ceo:收集20个摇头娃娃
part 7、摇头娃娃所在之处
strength:在megaton警长lucas simm家里
perception:在the republic of dove,museum of dove,书柜内
endurance: deathclaw sanctuary—在初始房间的某个尸堆旁
charisma: vault 108—实验室桌上
intelligence: rivet city—实验室桌上
agility: greener pasture disposal site—办公室桌上
luck: arlington house—柜子
barter: evergreen mills—jack东北一个小洞内的架子上
big guns: fort constantine—co房间,保险柜内.
energy weapons: raven rock—level 2, autumn上校桌上< br>explosives: wkml broadcast station—外头某个排水道内
lockpick: bethesda ruins—office east顶层中央房间桌上
medicine: vault 101—老爸桌上
melee weapons: dunwich building —virulent underchambers,维修间
repair: arefu—evan king住处桌上
science: vault 106—living quarter某个置物架上
small guns: national guard depot—national guard armory,储藏间架上
sneak: yao guai tunnels—某个铁箱子上
speech: paradise falls—eulogy's pad桌上
unarmed: rockopolis—argyle旁边