

作者: 于momo 2014-11-12 10:32

XXXXXXZX Unknown - Spoken by the fortune telling machine.


KEEPTRAK Neither the map or health bar can be seen.

GUI全部不可见(血条 主动道具 基础掉落数量 地图

IMNOBODY Character is completely invisible to the player.


PRYR1MAD Enemies are much faster


PTCHBLCK Character and their tears turn completely black.


FREE2PAY Start with 69 coins and the player must pay for every item.

开局给69块钱 每个道具都得花钱买

FEARM1NT All enemies have permanent fear effect.


FRA1DN0T Every few seconds all enemies gain fear effect.


BL0000DY Gore is increased.

增加血块 遍地爆浆

MED1C1NE All pill names and descriptions show ???.


FACED0WN All tarot cards are face down when picked up (So they have an unknown effect).


PAC1F1SM Enemies do not take damage. All doors stay open. When in a boss room, you must wait 1 minute before you can go to the next floor.

所有敌人不受伤害 所有门都是开着的 在BOSS房你要活够1分钟就给你过关

HARTBEAT The lower your health is, the slower the music is.

血量越低 音乐越慢

1TENDSHE Loading Screen keeps showing the message "Are you sure you want me to die?".

ther effects unknown.

读取画面永远显示"Are you sure you want me to die?"(你确定你要让我去死么)其他效果未知

YSB4H4B8 Permanent Curse of the Lost. Loading Screen keeps showing the message "Are you sure you want me to die?".

一直持续Curse of the lost(地图失效的诅咒)

读取画面永远显示"Are you sure you want me to die?"(你确定你要让我去死么)

HARDHARD Very Hard difficulty mode.


CLSTRPHO All enemies are friendly towards you. Flies spawned by Duke of Flies die instantly, but Dingle*s dingleberries do not.

所有怪物对你都是友好的(自相残杀 最后一只会过来碰你)苍蝇公爵生的苍蝇即死 但是大滑翔生的小便便不会

THEGHOST Every 45 seconds, a ticking will begin, and after 5 seconds, Isaac will take 1/2 heart of damage. Unknown if this increases to 1 heart in the womb and below

每过45秒 会响起滴答声 5秒后Isaac会受到半颗心的伤害 在子宫之后会不会变成1颗心还未知

1SAAAACE Unknown.


1337HAXR The game is much easier.


PAY2PLAY Has the same effect as FREE 2PAY

开局给69块钱 每个道具都得花钱买

9ZXWEQQL No curse rooms. 


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