Day 7 - The Red Masks - Receiving stolen property
Day 7-9 - The Red Masks - Sale of stolen goods
Day 60-62 - Atala - Drug Posession
Day 62-67 - Atala - Drug Trafficking
Day 24 - The Sands - Hit and Run
Day 59-62 - The Sands - Theft
Day 66-71 - The Sands - Extortion and Assault
Day 73-75 - The Sands - Abduction
Day 75-78 - The Sands - Homicide
Day 93-94 - Keylesses - Carjacking
Day 94-96 - Keylesses - Receiving Stolen Property
Day 97-99 - Keylesses - uggling
Day 103-105 - The Church - Drug Possession
Day 156-158 - The Church - Drug Manufacturing
Day 161-163 - The Snow Warriors - Homicide
Day 164-166 - The Snow Warriors - Abuction
Day 166-168 - The Snow Warriors - Terrori