

作者: 佚名 2013-05-16 11:17

Day 4: Sale Cancellation



  • Click the right door with the paper toy on it.
  • Find 20 objects, highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
  • After finding all 20 objects, click on the wooden shelf in the middle of the screen to start the puzzle.

Jigsaw Puzzle


  • Assemble the image to finish this puzzle.
  • Place the corner pieces and edge pieces first.
  • You don’t need to rotate pieces, because all of the pieces are already facing the correct direction.
  • Click on the MARBLES.



  • Click the left door with the film reel on it.
  • Find 22 objects highlighted in red in the screenshot.
  • Collect the FILM in the middle of the screen.

Film Puzzle


  • Place the FILM and then the MARBLES on the center door; this will start the film puzzle.
  • Click the knob on the right to spin the right wheel clockwise.
  • Click the knob on the left to spin the left wheel counterclockwise.
  • To finish the puzzle you will need to get the red marbles on the left side, the yellow marbles on the right, and the blue marbles in the middle where the two wheels overlap.
  • You can solve the puzzle easily if you watch carefully and repeat the order of the moves in the opposite direction.
  • When you cannot copy the moves directly, try putting all of one color on the correct side first. Then work on getting the other side in the correct position. At some point you will find the right combination.
  • Click the reset button at any time to start from the beginning. Each reset will mix the puzzles differently. Some mixes are easier to work with than others.


  • Find 22 objects, highlighted in green in the screenshot.


  • Place 8 items from the inventory in the related areas of the scene.
  • Items and related areas are the same color in the screenshot.
  • You can place the ice cube, highlighted in light blue, only after placing the orange, highlighted in yellow, in the bottom right corner of the screen.


  • Click on the match to get a s mall area of light.
  • You might ha ve to click the match again, because the light will go out after awhile.
  • Collect the BUTTON in the bottom left corner.
  • Collect the red CABLE in the middle of the screen.
  • Click on the fuse box.
  • Place the BUTTON, and the CABLE from the inventory, on the fuse box to turn the lights back on.


  • Click on the safe in the middle of the screen to open it.
  • Collect the hammer inside the safety box.
  • Take out the nails, highlighted in green, with the hammer.
  • Collect three wooden boards, highlighted in red.
  • Place the three boards in the gap in the middle of the screen.
  • Drag the nails to the boards.
  • Use the hammer to fix the gap.
  • Collect the picture and paper on the wall.

Day 5: The Last Representation

Play Room


  • Place 8 items from the inventory in the related areas of the scene.
  • Items and related areas are the same color in the screenshot.
  • You can place the crow, highlighted in red, only after placing the key, highlighted in orange, on the bird cage in the upper right corner of the screen.



  • Click on the right door with candy cane on it.
  • Find 23 objects in the screen.
  • After finding all 22 objects, the CANDY BALL will then show up above the pot in the middle of the screen. Collect the CANDY BALL.



  • Click on the left door with the chain and sign on it.
  • Find 20 objects in the screen.
  • After finding all 19 objects, the TICKET will show up from the jack-o-lantern in the bottom of the screen.



  • Click and drag the Candy Ball, and the TICKET, to the central door.
  • Move the ball through the labyrinth by clicking the two buttons to the left and right.
  • The button on the right spins the maze clockwise and the left button spins it counterclockwise.
  • Each new level of the maze has one way to the next inside level and one dead end.
  • Rotate the maze until the ball is above the next hole each time.

Living Room


  • Find 26 objects in the screen.
  • Click the red curtain above the fireplace to start the next puzzle.

Gear Puzzle


  • Place the gears in the correct positions and push the red button on the right side of the screen to turn on the machine.
  • The easiest way to finish the puzzle is to push the button before setting down the gears.
  • Start placing the gears near the moving gear on the left. This way you will know when you place the wrong gear, because it will not move.


  • Collect the OIL on the right side, on the red stairs.
  • Click and drag the OIL from the inventory to the toolbox at the bottom.
  • Collect the SCREWDRIVER from the tool box.
  • Click on the vent in the bottom left corner of the screen to zoom in.
  • Use the SCREWDRIVER on the screws in the corners to take them out.
  • Click the briefcase to zoom in.
  • Enter the correct number in the lock. The code is 9251.
  • Collect the NEEDLE for the clock, and the KEY, and check the clock in the picture.
  • Click on the Back button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Click on the wall clock to zoom in.
  • Place the NEEDLE in the center of the clock and the KEY in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Set the clock to 10:10.
  • Click the twist handle.
  • The stuffed bunny will then show from inside the clock. Click it and collect the letter and jewels.

Congratulations! You finished the game!

上一篇 : 《哈姆雷特》 ...

下一篇 : 《古墓丽影2 ...

