
《辐射3》F9 Vault 87号避难所地点详解

作者: 佚名 2014-01-18 17:12


进入避难所之后的玩家要小心应对为数不少的变种人领主动(主线情况下带着星骑士再给她把火焰刀就能大大降低作战难度, 你只要负责在后边把敌人的武器打掉就够了 by 本记者) 在途中玩家会找到一个被关着有理智的变种人fawkes(牛人福克斯, 与英克雷开战你一定要有 by 本记者)  你不一定要放他, 但你最好这样做。


~如果你潜行进入避难所的话, 你还会有机会听到一段这样的设计对话:

sm1: 我们快要没有”green stuff”了, 有人出去找了。 我们一定要找更多的”我们”去阻挡人类!


sm1:愚蠢的福克斯说人类终有一天会来拿走”green stuff”

sm2:有种他们就来呀!我们会把他们拆成一件件的!等他们快死的时候我们就把他们变成”green stuff”!

sm1:哈 哈 哈, 没错! 有更多他们的话很快就有更多我们了!

sm2:不出错的话就有更多我们了, “green stuff”经常出错, 我们把尸体丢进洞里太多次了!

sm1: “green stuff”无效是因为我们带来太弱的人, 我们要猛男!, 他们能出好士兵!(不能被他们找到, 不能被他们菊爆!! by 本记者)

sm2: :哈 哈 哈, 没错! 好士兵把人类砸个稀吧烂!

(此对白自知译得不传神, 放上原文给有才的朋友)

sm1: we almost out of green stuff. others go to find some. we must have more of us to stop the humans!

sm2: need to find more humans then...make them like us.

sm1: stupid fawkes say men will come to us one day. to take green stuff.

sm2: let them come to us! we'll take them apart! then when they weak, we put them in green stuff!

sm1: ha ha ha, yes! more of them mean more of us soon.

sm2: more of us if green stuff work. it makes many mistakes. we dump bodies in cave too many times.

sm1: green stuff don't work only because men we take weak. we wait for strong men...they make good soldiers.

sm2: ha ha ha! yes! strong soldiers to smash the humans for good!

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