

作者: 谢前聪 2013-05-13 20:19




 kill 100 enemies.杀死100个敌人

kill 500 enemies using melee weapons.用近战武器杀死500个敌人

kill 500 enemies using ranged weapons.用远程武器杀死500个敌人

kill 2500 enemies.杀死2500个敌人

kill 250 enemies using exotic weapons.用外来武器杀死250个敌人

kill 25 ork nobs.杀死25只老大

kill 10 ’ard boyz杀死10只钢牙小子

kill 75 enemies using executions.用处决杀死75个敌人

get 100 headshots.获得100次爆头

get 250 headshots.获得250次爆头

kill 150 enemies using the charge attack.用冲锋攻击杀死150个敌人

kill 25 enemies with ground pound.用大地重击杀死25个敌人

kill 10 enemies in a row in a single ranged fury activation.在狂怒状态下用远程武器连续杀死10个敌人

kill 250 enemies using melee fury attacks.在狂怒状态下用近战杀死250个敌人

complete part 1 of the game on hard difficulty in a single session without dying or restarting.完成困难难度中第一部分中的单一节之中没有死亡或重来

complete the entire game on hard difficulty.完成整个游戏的困难难度

win 10 struggles against the ork nob.对上老大时挣脱成功10次

multi-kill -- 5 enemies with 1 frag grenade.多杀-- 用1枚破片手榴弹炸5个敌人

multi-kill -- 2 enemies with 1 stalker-pattern bolter shot.多杀-- 用1发潜行型爆弹枪射2个敌人

multi-kill -- detonate a chain of 5 consecutive vengeance launcher rounds, killing 10 enemies.多杀-- 用5颗复仇者火箭连续杀死10个敌人

complete a chapter of the single-player campaign using only the bolt pistol and chainsword.只用爆弹手枪和链锯剑完成单人战役

complete a chapter of the single-player campaign using only plasma weapons.只用等离子武器完成单人战役

complete a chapter of the single-player game using only the vengeance launcher and power axe.只用复仇者火箭和动力斧完成单人战役

complete a chapter of the single-player game using only stalker-pattern bolter and chainsword.只用潜行型爆弹枪和链锯剑完成单人战役

collect 10 servo skulls.收集10个伺服头骨

collect all servo skulls.收集全部的伺服头骨

get a multiplayer character to lvl 10.多人模式角色等级到10

get a multiplayer character to lvl 20.多人模式角色等级达到20

get a multiplayer character to lvl 30.多人模式角色等级达到30

get a multiplayer character to lvl 40.多人模式角色等级达到40

play 10 multiplayer games as space marine and 10 multiplayer games as chaos marine.用星际战士和浑沌战士游玩10人多人游戏

play each class in multiplayer.游玩多人对战的每个模式

play 10 multiplayer games using each class.用各类军种玩10次多人对战

complete 5 weapon challenges.完成5项武器挑战

complete all the weapon challenges.完成全部的武器挑战< /p>

complete 10 armor challenges.完成10项盔甲挑战

kill 25 opponents who are capturing your control point in seize ground.杀死25个占领你控制点的敌人

have 10 times more kills than deaths in a single game of annihilation.在一场歼灭战当中杀敌数高于死亡数10以上

fully customize a space marine and a chaos space marine character.完全自订一名星际战士和浑沌战士角色

kill 50 assault marines/raptors in mid-air.杀死50名突击星际战士/猛禽在空中

kill 40,000 enemies in the game (all game modes combined).杀死40000个敌人在游戏中(所有模式皆可)


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