

作者: 米虫 2014-07-25 17:01

Reconstruction of the battle in World of Warships重返萨沃岛

The task for the event crew was to arrange teams that would resemble the fleets from both sides. The Japanese side got: 4 Aoba hea vy cruisers, 1 Takao, 2 lightweight cruisers Tatsuta and one Minekaze.The opposing force consisted of 4 USS New Orleans, one USS Pensacola, and five destroyers (4 USS Farragut and a USS Fletcher).Unlike the US vessels, the Japanese team were allowed to launch their recon planes right from the beginning, that kept them concealed from enemy spotting.



(PS:当年的参战船只是:鸟海(高雄级),青叶,衣笠(均为青叶级),天龙(天龙级),夕张(夕张级)夕凪(神风级),古鹰,加古(均为古鹰级),估计当时版本没有神风,夕张 古鹰这几条船的存在)


(PS:当年的参战部队为:澳大利亚号,堪培拉号(肯特级),芝加哥号(北安普顿级),帕特森号,巴格利号,赫尔姆号。拉尔夫·塔尔博特号,布鲁号(均为巴格利级),昆西号,文森号,阿斯托利亚号(均为新奥尔良级) ,威尔森号(贝纳姆级),圣胡安号(亚特兰大级),霍巴特号(利安德级);其中肯特级和利安德级是英国船)


The goals for both teams were conditioned by the terms of actual event. The Japanese were to destroy the transports, whereas US ships should try their best to defend them. The “transports” were represented by an unarmored variant of the USS Independence aircraft carriers, under control of the players Sub_Octa vian and Jluca.

交战双方的胜利目标是按照历史背景来设定的。在这个剧本中,日方要试图摧毁敌军运输队,而美方要尽一切可能来保护。临时客串”运输队“的是2条没有装甲的独立级航母,由玩家Sub_Octa vian和Jluca

Due to the complete freedom of actions, the Japanese team wisely split into two parts: one was represented by five hea vy cruisers and the other by a strike squadron comprising two Tatsuta light cruisers accompanied by the Minekaze, whose purpose it was to eliminate the transports.



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