Michael Gilmartin简介
VP, Global Platform Services, Blizzard Entertainment
作为暴雪娱乐有限公司的全球平台服务副总裁,Michael Gilmartin负责暴雪全线产品在全球的测试和本地化,以及基于Mac的游戏平台服务。Gilmartin于2004年加入暴雪娱乐,一直负责暴雪游戏的平台服务。
此前,Gilmartin 曾供职于SEGA of America, Inc. , Eidos Inc., Maxis Software, Inc. 以及Atari Inc.,拥有长达15年的游戏行业资深管理经验,先后担任过游戏制作和游戏设计工作室负责人。他参与的游戏有《魔兽世界》 (World of Warcraft), 《星际争霸II》 (StarCraft II), 《虚幻竞技场》 (Unreal Tournament), 《无冬之夜》 (Neverwinter Nights)等。
As VP, Global Platform Services, Michael Gilmartin is responsible for quality assurance and localization of all Blizzard franchises globally, and game services for the Macintosh platform. He has been overseeing platform services after joining Blizzard Entertainment in 2004.
Prior to Blizzard, Gilmartin had worked for SEGA of America, Inc., Eidos Inc., Maxis Software, Inc. and Atari Inc., with 15 years senior management experiences in the game industry, as game producer and head of game studios etc. He has been involved in game titles including World of Warcraft, StarcraftII, Unreal Tournament, Neverwinter Nights etc.
Gilmartin is a graduate with San Jose State University.