
坦克世界9号Q&A:9.1卫星 轻坦的战斗等级限制

作者: 米虫 2014-05-10 14:37

- the main problem Wargaming has in the FPS drops is that they cannot reproduce them on their computers. They even went as far as inviting the users with FPS issues to them to office as guests while analyzing (“dissecting”) their computers on the spot, but so far, nothing. Upon close examination, it was discovered that these users had the same issues in 8.11 (SS: well, I fu-cking didn’t, Himmelsdorf on 16 FPS is such fun…)


- in 9.1, there will be no new HD models


- lags in sniper mode ha-ve not been fixed


- Sherman and Tiger I were nerfed because on their tiers, they are imbalanced


- rear turret VK4502B will be buffed, the buffs in 9.1 are not the last buffs planned

后置炮塔的VK4502B 将会加强,9.1版本中这些加强并不是最终的计划

- patch 9.2 will bring many tank buffs


- Veider on Hellcat and T18 nerf: “So the pedobears fu-ck off”

Veider 关于地狱猫和T18的削弱:所以那些屠幼的去死吧

- gun sound in 9.1 will be reworked to resemble realistic sound, not “Hollywood”


- developers are generally working on the issue, where maps load for too long, but so far, no exact solution was found


- the reason for buffing lowtier tanks: “Newbie comes, plays on a nice tank, continues to play” (SS: as in instead of lea-ving the game)


- the list of tank buffs and nerfs is complete for patch 9.1


- Storm admits there might be a bug, where even on high detail settings, tank models turn really ugly at longer distances. Storm will investigate

Storm 承认在高画质设置下,车辆模型从远距离看起来很丑。

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