评论场次:OMG战队 vs 皇族战队(点击查看:OMG对阵皇族视频二连发)
Insec Nocturne starts: build full armor vs double Ap. That's some Shooking shit over here.
- 钛金壳狗眼的我早已看穿一切,看看insec梦魇的符文搭配吧,对面双AP阵容你带护甲做什么啊!
They just wanted to camp uzi today haha.
- 皇族今天的任务好像不是赢比赛,而是击杀uzi...
Call me nazi or whatever, but i'm actually happy that the team that didn't sign any koreans is doing well.
- 随便你们怎么喷我什么"种.族.主.义"之类的,我就是觉得那些没有韩国外援的队伍打的真好啊。
OMG: Be a good boy and we'll let you play vayne.
Uzi: Woof! wags tail
- OMG:你乖乖的,我们就让你选VN
- 小狗:汪汪汪(摇尾巴)
11-0-14 for Cool this series. Nothing else to say.
- 这场BO2无状态11杀0死14助攻,我没什么好说的,LOL卸载,我要回家
Rip Xiyang
- 冰封夕阳真心无出头之日啦
In the first game, the Chinese stream jumped to InSec's huge grin after the gank on botlane where SHRC traded three for two.
'[ALL] InSec (Rengar): got uzi #worth'
- 第一场,中国直播流给了gank下路的insec一个大特写,那一拨团战皇族3换2,然后公屏上出现了
[所有人]insec(Rengar): uzi死了,值了!
Kass LB combo is so fu-cking annoying...
- 卡萨丁和妖姬这套骚扰组合真是恶心啊...你打不到他还被他耗血
Holy shit, Cool was amazing, 0 deaths in both games. His lb is pretty beast.
- 两场比赛无状态没死过,太扯了啊,他的妖姬真心无解
I think OMG will win worlds.
- 我觉得OMG能拿S5冠军了。
I would love OMG to win the final vs SKT in a way.
- 期待 S5决赛OMG vs SKT。