评论场次:EDG战队 vs Snake战队(点击查看:EDG对阵Snake视频二连发)
You trying to escape my hooks? Oh you hElla won't.
- 想逃出我的魔掌?哦,我大ella的钩子怎么会答应!?
If you ha-ven't watched Snake play, THEY ARE THE REAL DEAL. Holy shit.
- 如果你没看过snake的比赛,相信我,如果双方队伍互换队标,你会觉得打成这样这一点都不奇怪。
why? sry i dont knwo them, what is their strength? i thought they had inferior koreans compared to others (kakao, dandy, deft etc) so are the chinese players very good? do you think they are better than omg?
- 为什么啊?我根本不知道有这样一支队伍啊,他们怎么突然那么屌?我知道他们有韩国外援,虽然不如kakao, dandy, deft知名度高,这么说来他们国内选手也非常牛逼而不是依靠棒子咯?你觉得snake会比OMG强么??
Flandre is just fantastic. Those rumble ults in game 1... Also Beast living up to his name.
- snake上单太厉害了!第一场他的兰博完全就是团战收割机,他们打野也确实如他的ID一样,野兽般的存在。
And he hasn't played any of his big main champions yet. I hope we get to see his yasuo, fizz and Gnar soon
- 他还没展现他的主英雄池啊,我希望看到他的上单亚索,鱼人,纳尔。
I love how easy Flandre is with his ults and TPs. I've never seen a player use them so casually and get so much in return.
- 他对技能的使用和传送用的炉火纯青,我从来没见过一个上单能玩的这么6
Beast literally like 1v3ed in every single late game fights in game2, especially he even killed ezreal without dying in the last fight, Impressive!
- Beast第二把的挖掘机,在后期顶着3人攻击下强杀EZ后扶手而去,深藏功与名。让我大呼过瘾!
Did you see the baron replay? He stopped the entire edg from finishing baron and escaped alive! Such a great play!
- 大龙团战你看到了吗,他拖住了EDG打龙的节奏,然后残血跑开了,为SNAKE团战胜利奠定基础。简直nice啊。
Snake are so fun to watch, they always go so ham.
- snake看起来很有观赏性啊,他们看起来很团结。
Can anyone tell me a bit of the background of these awesome players? They played so well today. Congrats are really in order!
- snake竟然2:0,我艹这不是在做梦!
- 谁能给我介绍一下snake队员么?他们今天打得好霸气,恭喜他们六连胜!
Flandre: 16 years old, star player of the team. Extremely large toplane champion pool, including AD LeBlanc, Fizz and Yasuo.
Ella+Beast: Korean players from NLB teams. Everyone expected them to be bad, but so far they ha-ve shown maybe improvements.
- Flandre: 16岁少年,团队之星,上单英雄池深不见底,包括6的不行的AD妖姬,鱼人和亚索
- Ella+Beast: 来自韩国二级联赛NLB,大家都觉得他们来LPL就是打酱油,没想到被他们打脸了。
Snake's 2 Korean players are so good.
especially Beast
- snake2个韩国外援真心好强
- 特别是Beast
The Snake hypetrain continues!
- 6连胜,根本停不下来!
Flandre really showed up at the baron fight to sa-ve Snake when kRYSTAL was assassinated. Well deserved QuadraKill!
- 大龙团,即使在己方ADC被秒的情况下,Flandre卡萨丁疯狂四杀,非常精彩的四杀!
Man to just win one game against EDG would be good...to completely dominate in the whole set is unreal!
- EDG不是说过后期团战无解吗?结果2场被碾压,团战各种被团灭,这太不真实了!
wish we could see the player cams and reactions after Snake's victory, really well deserved from what most people thought were huge underdogs
- 真希望能看到SNAKE击败EDG后那欢喜的表情,击败EDG是非常值得庆祝的事情,特别是赛前大家都认为snake是菜鸡,四连胜不过是幸运而已
wtf pawn and deft lost? i need the vod on this.
- 小胖和羊驼都能输?我要马克一下,等会来看~
The Thresh hooks are too real.
That last one on the Jax mid jump was insane
- 锤石的勾太牛逼了,各种神钩
- 最后那次勾到贾克斯简直惊呆了
Man I can see why these guys were so hyped. Soooo much fun to watch vs the LCK.
- LPL真是太精彩了,相比之下LCK让人昏昏欲睡啊。
Not to mention Ella is a solid support, the whole team is shaping up very well, I am impressed with them.
- ella的辅助不用多说,他们整支队伍磨合的很好啊,我很期待他们接下来的表现。
Snake is similar to SSW during worlds. Play-makers at every position, know when and how to press their lead, play with a deficit, and overall excellent teamwork. It's still early but I think they are a real threat out of the LPL. They face OMG next week and I think it'll be 1-1 at the least, and that's saying a lot because OMG looks really strong right now.
- 现在的snake有点像S4总决赛那时候的SSW,每个点都很强,没什么明显的弱点,他们懂得如何把那一点点的优势扩大成为胜势,团队的默契程度高的让人震惊,虽然才两周言之过早,但是我觉得snake已经成为了一支对LPL强队有足够威胁的队伍了,没有人敢轻视他们了。下周与OMG的一战至少打成1:1,即使现在OMG也强的可怕。
To be honest, I think lea-ving Rek'Sai open was the bigger mistake.
- 老实说,第二场留给他们挖掘机也是醉了
The SKT T1 of China...
- 中国的SKT
so do they ha-ve koreans on their team?
- 他们队里有棒子吗?
their jg and sup are Koreans
- 他们的打野和辅助都是韩国人
Deft's positioning was horrendous on that Ez.
- Deft的EZ那走位简直醉了,次次都被对面中单晕住一套带走
before today, no one know who Snake was. Wow
- 今天之前,没人会知道snake这只LPL队伍,哇哦!