评论场次:IG战队 vs EP战队(点击查看:IG对阵EP视频二连发)
KaKao was a involved every kill on their team except one across both games, 97.5% Kill participation.
- 两场比赛,KAKAO的击杀参与度是97.5%,只有一次击杀和他无关。
Kakao's cataclysm in game two that blocked the thresh lantern was pretty sick!
- 第二场kakao皇子各种阻止对面锤石灯笼救人也是亮爆
Game 2 MVP: the big minion.
- 第二场MVP:超级大车兵!
Don't really follow LPL too much. How does kid rank in terms of adcs in the LPL? He was putting on a clinic.
- 不怎么看LPL的,小孩的ADC水平在LPL排在什么水平啊,感觉他玩的很好啊
Kinda underrated but he has amazing mechanics. Could be top 4 with this team.
- 小孩的ADC一直被人忽视的,其实他玩的还是不错的,前四的水平吧
before uzi came alone, LPL adc was all about Weixiao vs Kid rivalry.
- uzi还没横空出世的时候,LPL就只有微笑和小孩的ADC能看
Why doesn't sa-ve play more? He seems to be way better than pokemon, and Zzitai is not that much of a downgrade to rookie
- 我大sa-ve怎么都上不了场,他比pokemon要好多了吧?我大姿态也不比rookie差啊!
put Zztai top, problem solved. He plays everything.
- 姿态去打上单吧,他是全能选手也~这样就解决问题
Zz1tai is shit, and sa-ve cannot carry him. Pokemon is Okay and Rookie can carry him. Is that clear?
- 姿态很垃圾的,sa-ve根本带不动他,而rookie随便带动Pokemon,清楚了吗?
Banner of Command and baron buff = op boys!
- 号令之旗+大龙buff = 无敌攻城大跑车萌萌哒!
IG so good.
- IG真是太机智了啊!
man those azir mechanics from rookie are INSANE !
- rookie的切入时机真心爆炸!
Rookie's Azir is without doubt the best Azir that has been played in a competitive match.
- rookie的黄金脆皮鸡应该是我见过的最强的脆皮鸡了,现已加入肯德基豪华午餐!