评论场次:WE战队 vs M3战队(点击查看:WE对阵M3视频二连发)
You get a 2|0, and you get a 2|0 everybody gets a 2|0!
- 你也2:0,我也2:0,大家都是处女座!纯纯的!
Never thought I'd be saying this but WE look like a bottom 3 team...
- 让我屎尿未及的是:WE看起来是垫底的3支队伍之一了...
RIP WeiXiao. :(
- 我十分想念微笑
the only good player is spirit, ninja and styz are utter garbage, and aluka and conan are still below a-erage
- 只有spirit一人在苦苦支撑,styz和ninja真心大垃圾大包袱,aluka和conan都是在LPL整体水平线之下的选手。
Poor Aluka, alone on top with 0 death just to see his team hard feeding
- 可怜的aluka,就没杀过一个人,眼睁睁的看WE被虐
Candy carried this team to victory!!!!
Ahh, these two teams looked a bit poor. But candy>>>>styz.
- candy带领M3走向胜利。
- 即使M3和WE看起来都有点实力不济,但是candy比styz强出一个宇宙级别是妥妥的
Man dade so proficient on yasuo...
- 世界第一亚索真不是盖的,6的不要不要的...
Isn't WE going to the IEM championship? Their plays were very questionable.
- WE不是要去IEM世界总决赛吗,哈哈哈等着他们出丑咯~